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I am not a gentleman, I will fight no duel; but I'll smash whomsoever comes in my way I'll smash 'em like a piece of rotten glass. Just tell that to your dear nephew!" "Pardon me, my friend, but I am not in the habit of carrying messages to my nephew, neither have I come hither merely to gossip, but to carry out a well-devised thoroughly thought-out plan. I hate this man more than you do.

The National Geodetic Association has established four observatories on the same parallel of latitude one at Gaithersburg, Maryland, another on the Pacific coast, a third in Japan, and a fourth in Italy to study these variations by continuous observations from night to night. This work is now going forward on a well-devised plan.

"Well, your well-devised scheme has failed of its object, and I have at once revealed to me its purpose and end, and its originator." "I do not understand you, sir!" "Oh, no! very ignorant all of a sudden!

Likewise they approved the well-devised plan which he had proposed for the bettering of such matters, and my heart beat high with pride as I perceived the great esteem in which the worshipful elders of our town held their younger fellow. Hans might not part company from them; but when I got into the litter he whispered to me: "Be not afraid as to Herdegen and the Junker you know.

The acts of congress were not to go into effect until the president of the government ordered their execution. He was also to have the right of veto. This was a well-devised plan to secure control for the central group about Aguinaldo.

Still, I own that it is a well-devised one, and might, at a pinch, pass muster; but fear not, Sir James. As hitherto I have kept silence as to the author of the outrage committed upon me, so I have no intention of proclaiming the truth now unless you force me to do so. Suffice that both for myself and for my daughter I disclaim the honour of your hand.

He is encamped at Williamsburg, and looks toward his powerful enemy who is surrounded by well-devised intrenchments at Yorktown, twelve miles down the river. The American and French troops, fifteen or sixteen thousand in number, arrived and took their places. General Washington was in supreme command. America had never before seen such an army. The Americans had done their utmost.

That was the curse of kingship the brain which planned, reconciling discordant elements, must rely for execution on hands it could not always control. Yes, that was the vice of government, and the reason why so many well-devised, smoothly-launched schemes utterly miscarried. If the brain could only be the hands also! If the hands could only reach out from where the brain pondered and foresaw!

I have a gift of writing, but I need not wear my brain out thinking of curious essays and well-devised stories and clever plots. I am working at my own story, and I think it will come off well." "But what do you mean? Where are you?" "We are staying at the 'Crown and Garter' for the present." "We?" said Florence, in a questioning tone. "Yes; how stupid you are! Have not you guessed! Mrs.

This was a well-devised question of the spy's, though it failed of its effect, in consequence of the deacon's great caution in not having yet told his secret, even to the master of his craft.