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Updated: August 19, 2024

At first he did nothing but stare vacantly, but presently a look of intelligence flashed into his eyes. Then he gave a shrug, as if he was disgusted with himself, which was followed by an expression of grim determination. "Master Blake," he said solemnly, "it's that waccinatin' process as hev done it.

"I daren't tell you, yer honour, for fear I'll make another mistake. I thowt, sur, as it would take a hangel with black wings to nick me like this 'ere, and now I've bin done by somebody; but it's the waccinatin', yer honour it's the waccination. In the Proverbs of Job we read, 'fool and his money soon parted, and so we can see 'ow true the teachin' is to-day." "But what is to be done, Simon?"

As he did so, I saw Kaffar come away from one of the lads who was employed about the house. "He's a spy, yer honour, a reg'lar Judas Iscariot. T'other chap's called Herod, pity this one isn't called Judas. They be a bootiful couple, yer honour." He looked around again, and then said, "That murderin', waccinatin' willain is gone efter 'em, Mr. Blake.

"'As nice a chap as you ever see, I said, 'though I am marked wi' small-pox. But that ain't my fault, ma'am; it is owin' to the experimentin' o' a waccinatin' doctor. "'What do you want with me, man? she said.

Perhaps she 'ad a few wire pins in her 'natomy; but no j'ints proper." "So you believe in this ghost?" "Can't help it, yer honour." "Simon, I don't. There's some deep-laid scheme on foot somewhere; and I think I can guess who's working it." Simon started. "You don't think that 'ere waccinatin', sumnamblifyin' willain 'ev got the thing in 'and?" I didn't speak, but looked keenly at him.

And do you mean to say, sur, that that 'ere beautiful Miss Forrest, who I've put down for you, is goin' to git married to that 'ere somnamblifyin' waccinatin' willain, if his dutiful mate ain't a found before Christmas Eve?" "Only nine days, Simon." "But it mustn't be, yer honour." "So I say, Simon; and that's why I've sent for you." "But I can't do nothink much, sur.

"Why, yer see, yer honour, after the doctor experimented on me by waccinatin' me agin' small-pox, cholera, and the measles, together wi' 'oopin' cough and several other baby complaints as 'ev a hinjurious effect upon people as 'ev cut their wisdom teeth, you know as I told yer honour that I caught that 'ere werry disease of small-pox which spiled my beauty for ever.

I used to think after that waccinatin' business gived me small-pox, that I was done for; but that 'ere Emily the 'ousemaid 'ev bin waccinated, and she 'ev had small-pox too. "Well, Simon, what was her reply?"

I shall expect you early to-morrow." No sooner were we in the street than Simon began to ask me what he had told me, for I found that he was entirely ignorant of the things he had said. "Who'd 'a thought it?" he said musingly, when I had told him. "Who'd 'a thought as 'ow I should hassist in a waccinatin' business like this 'ere!

"Well, then, I'm in hopes we shall succeed." "How, yer honour?" "By fighting Voltaire with his own weapons." "What, waccinatin'?" "By mesmerism and clairvoyance, Simon." "And who's the chap as hev got to be waccinated or mesmerized, as you call it?" "You, if you will, Simon." "Me, sir?" said Simon, aghast. "If you will."

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