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Updated: August 20, 2024

I told him they were rational Beings, but that the Story was now too long to tell him; he presented me to the rest of the Company, and, at my Request, the Cacklogallinians were humanly treated, whom otherwise they had look'd upon as overgrown dunghill Fowls. Volatilio did not appear much surpriz'd at this, who had once esteem'd me a Prodigy of Nature.

We were about a Month before we came into the Attraction of the Moon, in all which time none of us had the least Inclination to Sleep or Meat, or found our selves any way fatigued, nor, till we reach'd that Planet, did we close our Eyes; the Attraction was so great, that it was all the Bearers and Volatilio could do to prevent our being dash'd to Pieces on a Mountain; we descended with that inconceivable Swiftness, that I apprehended it impossible, in our Return, to avoid that Misfortune in the World we left; since the Attraction, if its Virtue was augmented in proportion to its Magnitude, must be much stronger.

However, I directed them which Way to steer, which was directly Southward; and having rested for some time, they took their Leave of me, and Volatilio, with his Palanquineers, began their Flight, as I had directed them, and I never saw them more.

Finding our selves press'd by Hunger, we descended the Mountain, at the Foot of which we found a Plantation of Olive Trees, and abundance of Pear, standing Apricock, Nectarn, Peach, Orange, and Lemon Trees, interspers'd. We satisfied our craving Appetites with the Fruit we gather'd, and then getting into my Palanquin, Volatilio leading the Way, we went in Search of the Inhabitants.

The next Day in the Even, we saw Volatilio on his Return: His first Salutation was, Courage my Friend, I have pas'd the Atmosphere, and, by Experience, have found my Conjecture true; for being out of the magnetick Power of the Earth, we rested in the Air, as on the solid Earth, and in an Air extreamly temperate, and less subtle than what we breathe.

It being necessary to bring Volatilio into the Design, I went to him and told him, that as we were so unfortunate not to succeed in finding out the Country of Gold, it would be adviseable to return home some other Way, in hopes of better Success in going back; otherwise we might, in all Probability, meet with a disagreeable Welcome from the Emperor and the whole Court.

If you gain the Summit, and that the Air is too thin for Respiration, you are to descend again, dispatch an Express to his Majesty, and clap Volatilio in Irons, then dispatch away one of the six Messengers whom I ordered to attend you: They, Volatilio, and the whole Caravan, are to obey you, till you have pass'd the Atmosphere, when you and they are to follow the Directions of Volatilio, in what regards the Way only; but, in Case that you can respire on the Top of the Mountain, order Volatilio to precede you a Day's Ascent, return the next, and immediately dispatch a second Messenger with the Account he gives, and continue on the Mountain for farther Instructions, before you proceed, should it prove practicable.

Here I was within my own Knowledge; for having formerly made several Voyages to Jamaica, was no Stranger to the Place. Now therefore I thought it time to acquaint the Cacklogallinians with the innocent Fraud I had put upon them; they seem'd frighted and surprized, as not knowing how to get home to their own Country: For Volatilio apear'd to be quite out of his Element.

This was a great Mortification to Volatilio, and, I own, the Report he made had rais'd my Curiosity so much, that I was uneasy at this Delay; but we were to obey, and not to enquire into the Reasons of it.

So recommending ours to your Protection, we heartily bid you farewell. "Given at our Court, &c." According to the Orders we receiv'd, Volatilio took his Flight in an oblique Ascent, without a Palanquin, but wrapt up as warm as possible, accompanied by two Servants. He parted with great Alacrity, and we soon lost Sight of him.

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