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Updated: August 22, 2024

Then stept a gallant 'squire forth, Witherington was his name, Who said, "I would not have it told To Henry our king for shame, "That e'er my captain fought on foot, And I stood looking on." We meet with the same heroic sentiment in Virgil: Non pudet, O Rutuli, cunctis pro talibus unam Objectare animam? numerone an viribus aequi Non sumus? AEn. xii. 229

INGENIA: = suum cuique ingenium; 'old men retain their wits'. PERMANEAT: A. 266, d; G. 575; H. 513, I. STUDIUM ET INDUSTRIA: 'earnestness and activity'; not a case of hendiadys, as some editors make it. Cf. n. on 15 iuventute et viribus.

According to the last writer, he died like George II., alone, having just risen from his bed; and he was thus found by his attendants: "Seneca cum scribit subito vocatis ministris, ac nemine respondente, consurrexisse; nec procul a lectulo, deficientibus viribus, concidisse." Tiberius was tall, and beautiful.

1 E. du Bois-Raymond: Investigations into Animal Electricity . Galvani published his discovery when the French Revolution had reached its zenith and Napoleon was climbing to power. 2 The above account follows A. J. von Oettingen's edition of Galvani's monograph, De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari. 4 Eddington's italics.

Begging pardon of the Doctor and his conductor, I have often seen and partaken of cold sheep's head at as good breakfast-tables as ever they sat at. This protest is something in the manner of the late Culrossie, who fought a duel for the honour of Aberdeen butter. I have passed over all the Doctor's other reproaches upon Scotland, but the sheep's head I will defend totis viribus. Dr.

"In my mind, I do; go, go; in my mind, I do so, I tell you animo, Maitre Grisart, viribus impossibile." And he again fell back on the armchair, in an almost senseless state. M. Grisart hesitated, whether he should give him immediate assistance, or should run to prepare the cordial he had promised. He decided in favor of the cordial, for he darted out of the room and disappeared down the staircase.

VELOCITATE: velocitas and celeritas differ very slightly; the former means rather speed of movement in one line the latter rather power of rapid motion with frequent change of direction. The emphatic word in this clause is corporum. Cf. Off. 1, 79 honestum ... animi efficitur non corporis viribus.

Fienus, in his curious little book, de Viribus Imaginationis, records from Donatus the case of a man, who fancied his body encreased to such a size, that he durst not attempt to pass through the door of his chamber.

Both sciences might advance peacefully side by side, rendering aid and seeking it; and as for prejudices, there are plenty of them surviving among zoölogists as well as philologists, which must be removed viribus unitis.

This Turn hath made Amends; thou hast fulfill'd Thy Words, Creator bounteous and benign! Giver of all things fair! but fairest this Of all thy Gifts, nor enviest. I now see Bone of my Bone, Flesh of my Flesh, my Self.... To the Nuptial Bower I led her blushing like the Morn No. 90. Wednesday, June 13, 1711. Addison. ... Magnus sine viribus Ignis Incassum furit' Virg.

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