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"Urit me," he said, biting the end of his pen and looking for his dictionary.

Lewisham's youthful blood, bidding him rouse himself to live live in a sense quite other than that the Schema indicated. He saw the dictionary peeping from under a paper, looked up "Urit me," appreciated the shining "nitor" of Glycera's shoulders, and so fell idle again to rouse himself abruptly. "I can't fix my attention," said Mr. Lewisham.

"Urit me," he murmured, and his eyes travelled from his book out of window to the vicar's roof opposite and its ivied chimneys. His brows were knit at first and then relaxed. "Urit me!" He had put his pen into his mouth and glanced about for his dictionary. Urare? Suddenly his expression changed. Movement dictionary-ward ceased. He was listening to a light tapping sound it was a footfall outside.

"Urit enim lini campum seges, urit avenae, Urunt Lethaeo perfusa papavera somno." The farther we advanced in the dell, the larger were the plantations which discovered themselves. For what purpose these gaudy flowers meet with such encouragement, I had neither time nor language to inquire; the mountaineers stuttering a gibberish unintelligible even to Germans.

With reference to the landing at Malta in 498: -Transit Melitam Romanus insuiam integram Urit populatur vastat rem hostium concinnat. Lastly, as to the peace which terminated the war concerning Sicily: -Id quoque paciscunt moenia sint Lutatium quae Reconcilient; captivos plurimos idem Sicilienses paciscit obsides ut reddant.

The bed was strewn with books and copygraphed sheets of instructions from his remote correspondence tutors. Pursuant to the dangling time-table he was, you would have noticed, translating Latin into English. Imperceptibly the speed of his writing diminished. "Urit me Glycerae nitor" lay ahead and troubled him.

He had a great dislike to spectators of Latin lessons; he never had forgotten an unlucky occasion, some years back, when his father was examining him in the Georgics, and he, dull by nature, and duller by confusion and timidity, had gone on rendering word for word enim for, seges a crop, lini of mud, urit burns, campum the field, avenae a crop of pipe, urit burns it; when Norman and Ethel had first warned him of the beauty of his translation by an explosion of laughing, when his father had shut the book with a bounce, shaken his head in utter despair, and told him to give up all thoughts of doing anything and when Margaret had cried with vexation.

"Quod licet, ingratum est; quod non licet, acrius urit." We might here introduce the opinion of an ancient upon this occasion, "that executions rather whet than dull the edge of vices: that they do not beget the care of doing well, that being the work of reason and discipline, but only a care not to be taken in doing ill:" "Latius excisae pestis contagia serpunt."