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"Do you really wish to know?" "I do." "Then, honestly, I never heard so much magniloquent unwisdom talked in the same space of time. It was the sense of shame for my race which kept me silent all the evening.

Yet follow not the unwisdom path, cleave not to this and that disclaim; Believe in all that man believes; here all and naught are both the same. Enough to think that Truth can be; come sit me where the roses glow, Indeed he knows not how to know who knows not also how to unknow.

But that woman's voice has turned my brain and loosed the string of my tongue so that I speak words of unwisdom. You enjoyed her singing too, though, didn't you? I thought so, catching sight of you while it was going on, attended by the faithful Ludovic and little Lady Constance. It's quite touching to see how she worships you. And wasn't Miss St. Quentin with you too? Yes, I thought so.

My mother in her dear unwisdom of faith and hope magnifies the value of it. It's just an idle man's fad." "A fad with an uncommon amount of backbone to it, apparently." "That depends on its eventual success. It's a thing to be judged not by intentions but by results." "What made you think of it?" Richard looked full at her, spreading out his hands, and again shrugging his shoulders, slightly.

If certain instructions of the Master are today particularly emphasized and scrupulously adhered to, let us be sure that they are but provisional measures designed to guard and protect the Cause in its present state of infancy and growth until the day when this tender and precious plant shall have sufficiently grown to be able to withstand the unwisdom of its friends and the attacks of its enemies.

I scarcely saw the words which I put on the sheet, and I may be forgiven for the unwisdom of that which I wrote. "The Baron de Carondelet will send an officer for you to-night so that you may escape observation in custody.

He did not wholly mean to say it, even to the last moment; but unwisdom, as so often, overcame him. It was a way of defending himself; he wished to imply that Mallard had a powerful reason for assailing his character.

This method elicited the Eurasian. He came out, listened attentively to abuse and languidly to their demands for a tonga to bear them to Kuttarpur, and observed that the mail tonga left once a day at three in the afternoon. Doggott caught him as he was on the point of returning to his interrupted repose and called his attention to the unwisdom of his ways.

I believe that the more farsighted corporations are themselves coming to recognize the unwisdom of the violent hostility they have displayed during the last few years to regulation and control by the National Government of combinations engaged in interstate business.

The baron started with surprise, and thought for a moment of laying violent hands upon the man, but a moment's reflection convinced him of the unwisdom of such an act. "And if I refuse to come," he doggedly said, "what then?"