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Falsehood is unblushingly uttered in the forum and in the pulpit; and sins that would shock the moral sensibilities of the heathen, go unrebuked in all the great denominations of our land. These churches are like the Jewish church when the Savior exclaimed, 'Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites."

We ought to bear patiently being told of our faults," urged Miss Wort, who on no account would have allowed one of the common people to impugn the spiritual authorities unrebuked: her own private judgment on doctrine was another matter. "'Between him and thee, yes," said Mrs. Christie, who on some points was as sensitive and acute as a well-born woman.

In a minute more he was gone, and in the next second Keith's mother was at the window looking out, though she had only her night-linen on and it was late autumn. Unobserved and unrebuked, Keith joined her, and when he looked up at the sky, his heart almost stopped beating.

In idle curiosity and with the simplicity of perfectly bad manners, he took up the poet's papers and letters and perused them. As there were scraps of verse amid the mass, Pinchas let him read on unrebuked. 'You will talk to him, Kloot, he pleaded at last. 'You will save Ophelia? The big-nosed youth looked up from his impertinent inquisition. 'Rely on me, if I have to play her myself.

The Sagamore set his mouth close to my ear: "The Wyandotte is not posted where you placed him." "What? How do you know?" "I went out to see. He sits on a rock close to the water." "Damn him," I muttered angrily. "I'll teach him " "No!" The Mohican's iron grip held me in my place. "The Night-Hawk understands. Let the Wyandotte remain unrebuked and undisturbed while I creep down to yonder ford."

During the months that elapsed after Leo's visit to the "Anchorage", Beryl had surrendered her heart to the great happiness of dwelling, unrebuked by conscience, upon the precious assurance that the love of the man whom she had so persistently defied and shunned, was irrevocably hers.

Such a man may, and often does, trample under foot every command of the decalogue, and at the same time defy and violate a good moiety of the injunctions of his caste. And yet, because of his wealth and general importance in caste councils, he stands unimpeached and unrebuked. In matters of caste observance and discipline, villages are much more conservative and strict than cities.

"For the sake of decency, comrade, why do you not cover her and give her Christian burial?" "It is the law," he replied stolidly. "Yes, yes, it is the law," eagerly assented the people who gathered about the corpse, not as friends, not as mourners, but as spectators of the horrid scene. Among them, unrebuked, were many white-faced children, half afraid and wholly curious.

Why, to prove how true, standing at the door of this salon five minutes ago, I saw two young ladies pass with Confederate flags, which they flirted in the face of some Federal officers, unrebuked!" Verily, thought I, something is about to happen! Two days ago the girls who were "unrebuked" this evening would have found themselves in jail instead. July 10th.

Can all this exist within two weeks of the rush and jangle of Broadway?" There was no answer, and she half closed her eyes, intoxicated with beauty. A live thing darted across her foot, and she looked down to catch a glimpse of something like a slender green flame licking its way through the grass. "Lizards crawling over me unrebuked," she said smiling. "Perhaps the millenium has come."