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"Oh, don't think I undervalue his Excellency here," she said with a little laugh. "It is because he is strong, because he matters so much, that one feels he could do more. Ismail thinks there is no one like him in the world." "Except Gordon," interrupted Kingsley. "Except Gordon, of course; only Gordon isn't in Egypt. And he would do no good in Egypt. The officials would block his way.

There may be reason for a question whether we have not come to trust in these times too much in a word that is written, and to undervalue that other revelation which God is making of his truth and love in the characters of his children. For it is only in the light that Christ is constantly manifesting to the world in the lives of men that we can see any meaning in the words of the book.

It is inevitable that minds addicted to scientific investigation should receive a strong bias to undervalue any other kind of evidence except that of the senses, i. e., scientific evidence. We have seen that those who give themselves up to this tendency come to deny God, to deny mind, to deny even self.

One of their songs displeased me not a little, for it embodied the opinion that 'twenty-six black girls not make mulatto yellow girl; and as I told them I did not like it, they have omitted it since. This desperate tendency to despise and undervalue their own race and colour, which is one of the very worst results of their abject condition, is intolerable to me.

But it is not Aristotle only who permits himself at times to undervalue the formal element in verse. It is also Sir Philip Sidney, with his famous "verse being but an ornament and no cause to poetry" and "it is not riming and versing that maketh a poet."

She was scornful of her beauty, inclined to undervalue the gift as compared with the blessings of other girls a prosperous home, the world's respect, the means to gratify the natural yearnings of youth but she knew that she was beautiful.

They knew as well as he, as well as any of the gentlemen about him now, that the Reform cause stood in peril of but one misfortune the retirement of the great, unselfish, popular, and devoted man who had already led the Reformers to victory. Ruse to undervalue his magnificent services to the city. But and here Mr.

He found himself confronted by an intellect as subtle, an experience as fertile in expedients, a temper as even, and a disposition sometimes as haughty as his own. He never affected to undervalue the mind of Orange. "'Tis a man of profound genius, vast ambition dangerous, acute, politic," he wrote to the King at a very early period.

We have given Ireland a voice; we must all listen for a moment to what she says. We must all listen, both sides, both parties I mean as they are divided on this question divided, I am afraid, by an almost immeasurable gap. We do not undervalue or despise the forces opposed to us.

In his wonder at the loving solicitude which had brought his cousin across the water to his dying bed, he almost seemed to undervalue the act of rare unselfishness by which so much money had been relinquished which might have been kept without fear of reproach. "Cobbler" Horn was not hurt by the seeming insensibility of his poor cousin to the great sacrifice he had made on his behalf.