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But first," he continued, offering me his left hand his injured limb being tightly swathed in bandages, and therefore unavailable "let me express to you my heartfelt gratitude for the prompt and effective response you made to my appeal for help and deliverance at the moment that we were about to fall irretrievably into the hands of those piratical desperados.

I think we will hardly convert Von Ritz." "Ah, that is good news, Monsieur." The Countess breathed the words with a tremor of enthusiasm. "It is, however, all useless, Madame since His Grace is unavailable. In captivity he is absolutely valueless." "In captivity he has a stronger claim upon our loyalty than in power!" The dark-room diplomat regarded her with a disappointed smile.

There was no sanctuary for Iraqi forces in the KTO. They were completely vulnerable to unrelenting and devastating attack. Outside the KTO, targeting was more selective, not because the means were unavailable for imposing sufficient damage but because our military objectives were purposely limited.

He picked the requisite number, or the number that he believed would be requisite, from a ball of stamps which had, under the influence of the summer heat, stuck together so closely as to be very difficult to handle. Many of the stamps were in fact practically destroyed and were unavailable.

But the uncivil, unavailable man, who is a problem and a threat to society, whom it cannot let pass in silence but must either worship or hate, and to whom all parties feel related, both the leaders of opinion and the obscure and eccentric, he helps; he puts America and Europe in the wrong, and destroys the skepticism which says, 'man is a doll, let us eat and drink, 'tis the best we can do, by illuminating the untried and unknown.

The proper course would have been that of persuasion, entreaty, or remonstrance; but under the apprehension that Isaac's extravagant attachment to his darling child would render this unavailable, she deviates at once from the path of rectitude to gain her purpose.

But they are all rendered useless, unavailable, unprofitable, by the agency of these traffickers. What says the inscription then? Arthmius was sent by Artaxerxes into Peloponnesus, to stir up a war against the Athenians, who had irritated him by the assistance which they lent to Egypt. Then the cause is written why this was done: because he brought the Median gold into Peloponnesus.

How much is then revealed and becomes possible! New facts and forces are commanded by it; much of our experience, that was before meaningless and unavailable, assumes order and comes to our use; and as long as the breach can be kept open and the detachment perfect, how easily we write!

Smithson, which, on the same day, under the authority of an act of Congress, and with the approbation of the President, had been vested by the Secretary of the Treasury in bonds of the States of Arkansas, Michigan, and Illinois; that the payment of the interest on these bonds had been almost entirely neglected; that the principal and arrears of interest then accumulating amounted to upwards of six hundred and ninety-nine thousand dollars; that the payment of these bonds was remote, and unavailable by Congress for application to the objects of this bequest.

It vanished not; it continued for days; it increased. I suppressed my surprise, and swallowed whatever other feelings began to surge. Well might I ask when he offered fraternity "Dare I rely on you?" Well might he, doubtless knowing himself, withhold all pledge. True, he had bid me make my own experiments tease and try him. Vain injunction! Privilege nominal and unavailable!