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At any rate, the Battery was at that day a place of fashionable resort, and hence the fair but fragile form of Matilda Hoffman could almost any day have been seen tripping among bevies of city girls in pursuit of health or pleasure.

Quick, cautious, shifty, nimble, cool, he catches all the fierce lunges or gets out of their reach, till his turn comes, and then, whack goes one of the batter puddings against the big one's ribs, and bang goes the other into the big one's face, and, staggering, shuffling, slipping, tripping, collapsing, sprawling, down goes the big one in a miscellaneous bundle.

My brain was a-whirl as well, and presently I awoke to find Dolly pinching my arm. "Have you forgotten me, Richard?" she whispered. "My other hand, sir. It is I down the middle." Down we flew between the laughing lines, Dolly tripping with her head high, and then back under the clasped hands in the midst of a fire of raillery. Then the music stopped. Some strange exhilaration was in Dorothy.

And for some focus of them all, some spot where God himself enthroned receives the homage of all crowns, and the worship of all creature service, what is there unreasonable in suggesting for a place some such an one as is instanced below? I have just cut the following paragraph out of a newspaper: Is this the ridiculous tripping up the sublime? I think otherwise: it is honest to use plain terms.

To stand on such evenings at the Powell Street terminus, to watch those tripping, gaily-dressed, laughing Californian women thronging the belt of city light from the theatre canopy to the restaurant canopy ah, that was San Francisco!

Prevent it, resist it, let it not be so, Lest child, child's children, cry against you 'Woe! The patriotism of the women is described by the Bastard in King John: Your own ladies and pale-visag'd maids Like Amazons come tripping after drums: Their thimbles into armed gauntlets change, Their needles to lances, and their gentle hearts To fierce and bloody inclination.

Where this power, or whatever else it may be, descends upon the shoulders of a man whose ways are not straight, he becomes a nuisance to the neighbourhood a receiver of stolen goods, giver of love-potions, and deceiver of silly women the avowed enemy of law and order, of justices of the peace, head-boroughs, and gamekeepers, such a man, in fact, as was recently caught tripping, and deservedly dealt with by the Leeds justices, for seducing a girl who had come to him to get back a faithless lover, and has been convicted of bigamy since then.

The girls were always out in the yard by sunrise, and soon came tripping in with red cheeks and flowing pails of milk; and at sunset the scene was repeated. The matron required no nurse to take care of the children; no cook to superintend the kitchen; no chamber-maid to make the beds and do the dusting. She had, very likely, one or two hired girls, neighbours' daughters.

The tunnel was pitchy black, but I struck matches as I proceeded, and presently we came upon the object of my companions' solicitude a young soldier, propped against the wall and with his legs projecting across the flagstones. The women had, in fact, discovered him by tripping over those legs in the darkness. Nor did he vouchsafe any very lucid answer when I asked him whither he was bound.

At noon we saw the first wheat-field of the trip an undulating golden flood, dimpled with the tripping feet of the wind. These were two joys quite enough for one day. But in the afternoon the third came the first golden-rod. My first impulse was to take off my hat to it, offer it my hand.