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But the proprietress knew no such person, a fact which seemed to rate him very low in her estimation and somewhat high in Mr. Tompkins's. The two young men thereupon hastened to board a car going up Sixth Avenue. Being set down near Greeley Square, they went into a drug-store and opened the directory. "Here's a Murray Davenport, all right enough," said Tompkins, "but he's a playwright."

Mallory Tompkins was a young man with long legs and check trousers who worked on the Mariposa Times-Herald. That was what gave him his literary taste. He used to read Ibsen and that other Dutch author Bumstone Bumstone, isn't it? and you can judge that he was a mighty intellectual fellow. He was so intellectual that he was, as he himself admitted, a complete eggnostic.

Tompkins, sir; may I bring him, sir?" "Certainly, and at once." The man approaches, touching his hat, saying: "My master bid me meet you here, madam; a telegram arrived last night, ma'am, calling him by the early train to Richmondglen; but master will meet you at the Colonel's place, ma'am, and return with your party to London, ma'am."

Card-playing, after all, is a slow business, unless you put money on it, and, besides, if you are in a bank and are handling money all day, gambling has a fascination. I've seen Pupkin and Mallory Tompkins and Joe Milligan, the dentist, and Mitchell the ticket agent, and the other "boys" sitting round the table with matches enough piled up in front of them to stock a factory.

"I never make mistakes in such matters, Mr. Tompkins, and can't understand how other people can." "Creditors are said to have better memories than debtors," replied Tompkins, attempting something like pleasantry. "Yes I know. You will, of course, be prepared to take up the mortgage upon your property?" "I am afraid not, Mr. Wolford. Money is exceedingly tight.

A man in working-clothes uncovers his head reverently, and passes on. Through the vista of green bowers formed of the grocer's stock of Christmas trees a passing glimpse of flaring torches in the distant square is caught. They touch with flame the gilt cross towering high above the "White Garden," as the German residents call Tompkins Square.

On the approach of the enemy Siber was withdrawn from Raleigh C. H. to Fayette, and Gilbert to Tompkins farm, three miles from Gauley Bridge, but the brigades were not united. On the 10th of September Loring attacked Siber at Fayette, in the intrenchments made by Scammon in the winter. Siber repulsed the efforts of Loring to drive him out of his position, and held it during the day.

Butterwick's dog, the colonel said that he had had a good deal to do lately, in a legal way, with dogs; and he gave me the facts respecting two interesting cases. The first was Tompkins' case. A man called at the colonel's law-office one day and said, "Colonel, my name is Tompkins.

Tompkins had been witness to a spirit's resurrection. It was as he had borne testimony a life had been reborn before his eyes. Even so, he, the sole spectator to and chronicler of the glory of it, could not know the depth and the sweep and the swing of the great heartening swell of joyous relief which uplifted Dudley Stackpole at the reading of the dead Bledsoe's words.

"Excuse me, sir; the carriages are filling up, sir." "My man is right; we had better secure seats; allow me," said Col. Haughton, giving his arm to Mrs. Tompkins.