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He insisted that the strength of the insurrection did not lie in the dissatisfied employees of the Red Butte Western, or even in the ex-employees; it was rather in the lawless element of the town which lived and fattened upon the earnings of the railroad men the saloon-keepers, the gamblers, the "tin-horns" of every stripe.

My brother announced his intention of taking them back with us, when Sponsilier taunted him with the fact that there might be objections offered. "That'll be all right, Davy," replied Bob; "it'll take a bigger and better outfit than these pimps and tin-horns to keep me from claiming my own. You just watch and notice if those two steers don't go back with Forrest.

One evening when Tanis was at the theater, Babbitt found himself being lively with the Doppelbraus, pledging friendship with men whom he had for years privily denounced to Mrs. Babbitt as a "rotten bunch of tin-horns that I wouldn't go out with, rot if they were the last people on earth."

By this time the train was slowing into Carbonate, and a few minutes after the stop at the crowded platform they were making their way up the single bustling street of the town to the court-house. "Ever see so many tin-horns and bunco people bunched in all your round-ups?" said Biggin, as they elbowed through the uneasy shifting groups in front of the hotel. "Not often," Winton admitted.

McCloskey's face contortion was intended to figure as a derisive smile. "Pshaw, John!" he commented, "he'd skin you alive. Why, even Jack Hepburn is afraid of him!" "Jack is? How do you know that?" McCloskey shrugged again. "Are you with us, John?" he asked cautiously. "I ain't with Bart Rufford and the tin-horns," said Judson negatively.

The sanctity of our institutions has been vindicated. Here the tin-horns, the cat-calls, the drunken congratulations the whole Babel rises above the charm of oratory. But the people's idol does not stop. The words roll from his mouth. The form sways, the finger points. "He's the boy!" "Notice his giblets!" "He will be President if his barrel lasts."

Just as well, perhaps, for Babe isn't what you would call domestic in his tastes. Give him a 'Home, Sweet Home' motto and he'd tack it inside his wardrobe trunk." I expect that's a more or less accurate description, for Mr. Robert has known him a long time. And yet, you can't help liking Babe. He ain't one of these noisy tin-horns.

It was in Reno, Nevada, in the summer of 1892. Also, it was fair-time, and the town was filled with petty crooks and tin-horns, to say nothing of a vast and hungry horde of hoboes. It was the hungry hoboes that made the town a "hungry" town. They "battered" the back doors of the homes of the citizens until the back doors became unresponsive.

I wouldn't WANT to go there to dinner with that gang of, of high-binders. And I'll bet I make a whole lot more money than some of those tin-horns that spend all they got on dress-suits and haven't got a decent suit of underwear to their name! Hey! What do you think of this!" Mrs.

The blacklegs and tin-horns and sure-shots go without saying, of course, but they haven't a monopoly on the broken records. Over in the ranch country beyond the Timanyonis they lump us all together and call us the outlaws." "Not without reason," said Lidgerwood. "Not any," asserted Benson with cheerful pessimism. "The entire Red Butte Western outfit is tarred with the same stick.