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It is for you and for those who love you," he added, giving a look to Madame Thuillier, "to see if these arrangements, already so far advanced, could be changed in the direction of your wishes." It was written that the poor child was to drink to the dregs the cup she had herself prepared by her intolerance.

"She may not receive me on the same footing that she does Thuillier, but I go there " Thuillier. "When? how? under her windows?" Though Fleury was dreaded as a bully in all the offices, he received Thuillier's speech in silence. This meekness, which surprised the other clerks, was owing to a certain note for two hundred francs, of doubtful value, which Thuillier agreed to pass over to his sister.

Theodose did nothing rashly; like a wise musician, he had marked the place in his symphony where he intended to tap his drum. When he saw Colleville attempting to warn Thuillier against him, he fired his broadside, cleverly prepared during the three or four months in which he had been studying Flavie; he now succeeded with her as he had, earlier in the day, succeeded with Thuillier.

The activity of Theodose and Dutocq, Cerizet, Barbet, Metivier, Minard, Phellion, Colleville, and others of the Thuillier circle was extreme. Great and small, they all put their hands to the work. Cadenet procured thirty votes in his section.

Thuillier, beginning to get uneasy as to the upshot of the affair, regretted that he had not done something the idea of which had come to him just too late. "Yes, I ought," he said to himself, "to have torn up that letter, and not driven him to prove his words."

"We'll see about that," said Brigitte; "after twenty years of devotion, to be treated like the lowest of the low!" And rushing to the door, which she slammed after her with violence, she went away. Thuillier was not disturbed by this exit. "Were you there, Flavie," he asked, "when the scene took place?" "No, it happened in Celeste's room. What did she do to her?"

This assiduity on the part of the Minards was brought about by a somewhat tardy meeting between Messieurs Metivier, Barbet, and Minard on an evening when the two former, being tenants of Mademoiselle Thuillier, remained rather longer than usual in discussing business with her.

"I think she and Madame Thuillier went to see the Abbe Gondrin this morning, and she has been attacking me about Felix Phellion, and talks of him as if he were a god; from that to refusing to marry la Peyrade is but a step." "Those cursed skull-caps!" said Brigitte; "they meddle in everything! I didn't want to invite him, but you would insist." "Yes," said Flavie, "it was proper." "Proper!

Thuillier turned pale; ever since the seizure of his pamphlet, he fancied all sudden arrivals meant the coming of the police. Among the various social rules imparted to Brigitte by Madame de Godollo, the one that most needed repeating was the injunction never, as mistress of the house, to rise from the table until she gave the signal for retiring.

Celeste, with red eyes, was talking to her godmother; Colleville and Brigitte, Flavie and Thuillier were on the steps of the broad portico leading to the entrance-hall. Desroches remarked to Theodose, who followed him to the door: "You can pay off those notes." At a single glance the shrewd attorney had comprehended the whole scheme of the barrister.