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The Federal Textile Company, ten thousand four hundred and eighty-two dollars; Miller, Field & Simpson, three thousand dollars; the Kosciusko Bank, two thousand and fifty." Abe whistled his astonishment. "I always thought he done it such a fine business," he commented. "Sure he done it a fine business," the law clerk said. "I should say he did done it a fine business.

I had a momentary qualm; then, reassured, I asked Anita to take a walk with me. Before we set out I telephoned my right-hand man and partner, Ball. As I had thought, everything was quiet; the Exchange was closing with Textile sluggish and down a quarter. Anita and I took a car to the park.

It was perhaps the sincerest tribute we have ever received as to the success of the undertaking. The Labor Museum continually demanded more space as it was enriched by a fine textile exhibit lent by the Field Museum, and later by carefully selected specimens of basketry from the Philippines.

As already seen, the peculiar character of textile construction places great difficulties in the way of introducing unsymmetric and complex figures like those of natural objects into fabrics.

After much study of this virtuous product of the mountain regions of our Southern States I find it capable of great development. It has two qualities which are not often co-existent, and these are strength and flexibility; and this is owing not only to its being hand-woven, but also to its being a wool-filled textile that is, it is woven upon a cotton warp, with a single twisted wool-filling.

Now if you imagine these reactions going on in a single fibre of a textile material, you have grasped the theory and purpose of mordanting.

Henceforth that game will be played by all. England, for instance, will manufacture dyestuffs not only for her textile trades, but because coal-tar products are essential to the making of high explosives. Thus, Competition, which was once merely part of the natural progress of a country, will hereafter be a large part of the struggle for national existence.

About three-fourths of the textile and metallurgical production in the Tsardom, the entire chemical industry, the breweries, 85 per cent. of the electrical works and 70 per cent. of gas production were German. And of the capital invested in private railways no less than 628,000,000 roubles belongs to Germans.

Prices, of course, were rising rapidly but the societies were new and lacked balance. A strike in one trade was an example to others to strike. In a few instances, however, there was considerable planning and reserve. The strike epidemic affected even the girls who worked in the textile factories. The first strike of factory girls on record had occurred in Dover, New Hampshire, in 1828.

"Buck up, Corey," said I. "Do you think I'm the man to shut a friend in the hold of a sinking ship? Tell me, who told you I was short on Textile?" "One of my men," he slowly replied, as he braced himself together. "Which one? Who?" I persisted. For I wanted to know just how far the news was likely to spread. He seemed to be thinking out a lie. "The truth!" I commanded.