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Updated: August 11, 2024

Stanton so solemn? to which I reply: Ever since an old German emperor issued an edict, ordering all the women under that flag to knit when walking on the highway, when selling apples in the market place, when sitting in the parks, because 'to keep women out of mischief their hands must be busy, ever since I read that, I have felt 'solemn' whenever I have seen any daughters of our grand Republic knitting, tatting, embroidering, or occupied with any of the ten thousand digital absurdities that fill so large a place in the lives of Eve's daughters.

And clearly, to eyes that saw, it was homely faithful Maizie whose arduous but well-paid secretaryship financed this ménage; Maizie who, returning home tired from her long day, got the dinner; Maizie who washed the dishes, that Shirley's hands might not be spoiled, and did the mending when the weekly wash came back. Shirley set the table, sewed on jabots and did yards of tatting.

"Big scheme this got him in a corner if the C. & G. comes along this side of Old Harpeth make him squeal hey?" "Who's Dodson?" I asked with the greatest excitement. I was for the first time getting a whiff of the schemes of the masculine mighty, but I was squelched promptly by Uncle Peter. "We've no time for questions, Evelina, now go back to your tatting hey?"

It is a pity, so few women nowadays know anything about knitting, crochetting or tatting, many do not even know which is which. A lady asked me very innocently, not long ago, how I could tell the difference between knitting and crochetting! Since Irish crochet has returned to favor, however, many have once more taken up their crochet needles.

Petticoats, feller, is made of yards and yards and yards like a balloon." "Who said they wasn't, you witless Jake? They don't make petticoats of this tatting stuff. They use it for trimming like." "Trimming on the petticoats?" "And the lingery." "But you just now said petticoats and lingery was the same thing." "Oh, my Gawd! They are! They are the same thing. Don't y' understand?

"This won't do," she said to herself; "I'll have to learn how to sew, or crochet, or make tatting. At last, I am to be domesticated. I used to wonder how women had time for the endless fancy work, but I see, now." She was accustomed to self analysis and introspection, and began to consider what she could get out of the next six months in the way of gain.

"Suppose we were walking in one of the excavated streets of Pompeii and I should say, 'O, girls! Look at that wall! and you should see a rude cross carved on it, what would you think?" "I should think they knew about Christ," answered Linnet. The clover leaf tatting had fallen into her lap and the shuttle was on the grass. "Yes, and is that all?" "Why, yes," she acknowledged.

Here the two ladies of the Stevenson party took lessons from the niece of a chief in plaiting hats of bamboo shavings and pandanus, and Mrs. Louis learned how to make them beautifully. This hat-making is the constant "fancy-work" of all Tahitian women, and serves in lieu of the tatting and embroidery of civilized lands. The best hats are made of the stalks of the arrowroot plant.

They were early, and while Miss Crocker set the heel of her stocking, Jo amused herself by examining the faces of the people who occupied the seat with them. On her left were two matrons, with massive foreheads and bonnets to match, discussing Women's Rights and making tatting.

"It was stormy, and I had no observing to do, so I sat down to my tatting. Lizzie E. came in and I took a new lesson in tatting, so as to make the pearl-edged. I made about half a yard during the evening. At a little after nine I went home with Lizzie, and carried a letter to the post-office. I had kept steadily at work for sixteen hours when I went to bed."

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