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"And if it is what I think it is, I think I would like to kill you very slowly." "I know, I know. But you haven't answered my question. Would you do those things to save your people?" "I would," said Tallis coldly. "Don't misunderstand me. I do not loathe you for what you have done to your own people; I hate you for what you have done to mine." "That's as it should be," said MacMaine.

MacMaine took a drag off his cigarette and forced himself to keep his mind off whatever it was that Tallis might be about to say. He was already prepared for a death sentence even a death sentence by torture. Now, he felt, he could not be shocked. And, rather than build up the tension within himself to an unbearable degree, he thought about Tallis rather than about himself.

I want them to be decorating every lamppost and roof-beam on the planet, dangling like overripe fruit when the Earth forces return." The Results "I don't understand it," said General Polan Tallis worriedly. "Where are they coming from? How are they doing it? What's happened?"

There were things to be done. Tallis first. MacMaine made his way over to one of the emergency medical kits that he knew were kept in every compartment of every ship. One of the doors of a wall locker hung open, and the blue-green medical symbol used by the Kerothi showed darkly in the dim light that came from the three unshattered glow plates in the ceiling.

As generation succeeded generation, a certain body of technique was built up and a mode of expression found; and at length the first great wave of music culminated in the works of Tallis and Byrde.

As a matter of cold fact, very few of the officers were in anyway comparable to Tallis not even the Fleet men. The more MacMaine learned of the Kerothi, the more he realized just how lucky he had been that it had been Tallis, and not some other Kerothi general, who had been captured by the Earth forces.

MacMaine had known, long before he had ever heard of General Polan Tallis, that the Hegemony of Keroth was governed by a military junta, and that all Kerothi were regarded as members of the armed forces. Technically, there were no civilians; they were legally members of the "unorganized reserve," and were under military law.

The devout men about him, wearing the fringed tallis, the venerable Rabbi at the almemor, the ark with the same musty hangings, the Pentateuch scrolls with the same faded covers which they bore in the years gone by, all appealed mightily to his heart and a tear forced itself unchecked through his lashes. Philip would have been unable to explain to himself the cause of his emotion.

By the time they realize what has happened, it will be too late." "You're giving us the ship, too?" Tallis looked at him wonderingly. "And eight prisoners?" "Nine," said MacMaine. "I'll hand over my sidearm to you just before your men come through the air lock." General Tallis sat down in the other small chair, his eyes still on the Earthman.

Our officers will certainly come closer to feeling that you are one of us." "I am one of you from this moment," MacMaine said. "I never intend to see Earth again, except, perhaps, from space when we fight the final battle of the war." "That may be a hard battle," Tallis said. "Maybe," MacMaine said thoughtfully.