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Now mind one thing if Zeit-Zeit comes over here and wants an apartment, you're to shut him out I won't have him in the house not at any price!" Pelletan grew pale at the thought. "Refuse t'e Prince of Zeit-Zeit!" he stammered. "Yes if you let him in, I'll kick him out.

"My fren', I 'ave myself been to-night, at midnight, on t'e moore, and I 'ave 'eard t'e army of t'e Duc de Monmoot' marching to Bristol on t'e road what you call t'e road, Wentwort'?" "The Eastern Causeway, my lord," answered the captain. "Voil!" said Feversham, and spread his hands. "What you say now, eh?"

He comes in a special vessel a sheep-of-t'e-war," he added with a triumphant flourish. "He could pring mit' him t'e whole nafy of England, if he wish'!" Ah, what an honour for Weet-sur-Mer! And what a blow for the Grand Hôtel Splendide across the way!

Coom! you shall see someding." "A moment," said the Creole. "May I inquire you how is that, that you call on us in yo' sock feet?" "Ach! I am already t'e socks putting on pefore I remember I do not need t'em! But coom! coom! see a vonderfool!" He led, and Fontenette, when he had blown a cloud of smoke through his nose, followed, saying exclusively for his own ear: "A wonder fool, yes!

So education, modification, must begin afresh vit' each generation and continue forefer. But t'is bacillus does not add ornament to t'e outside. It is not like t'e masseuse, vit' her unguents and kneading. It changes all t'e nature. It is like compressing a million years of education by natural selection into von lifetime. T'at is my t'eory. I do not know it is not yet tried but how ot'ervise?

Efen if she haf not lofe, but only t'e ambition of power or learning or vealt', I might pity her vit' equal injustice, but I cannot. She vill not let me. She does not know t'at she is a failure. She prides herself upon being so mis-made. She cannot help t'at; neit'er can I help despising her. Such vomen are abnormal, monstrous, in a vord, failures. Let t'em die! You, I t'ink, are not so.

You study to bide t'e time. You haf a fine carriage. You comb t'e hair, you haf pretty ribbons, you make t'e body strong and supple, you look in t'e glass and vish for more beauty. Not so?" "Of course I do," I cried angrily, wondering for the moment if he had lost his senses. It seemed as if he knew little about women for a man who professed to make all life his study.

"No matter," broke in Rushford. "All European inn-keepers have it, and it has never been known to result fatally, so don't worry. But why did you think I'd take hold of this thing?" "I haf heard so much," explained Pelletan, "of t'e enterprise of t'e Americans, t'at I t'ought perhaps you might " "Win back Zeit-Zeit? Not on your life! If he comes, I go! But I tell you what I'll do, Pelletan.

So t'ey die. T'ey do not reproduce t'eir kind, not'ing lifing comes from t'em, to go on lifing, on and on, better and better or vorse, as Nature planned vit' efery generation. If a voman haf t'e desire of lofe and of beauty, and lofe and beauty come not to her, t'en I pity her, because I am less vise and resolute to vit'hold pity t'an Nature is.

She sat at t'e money-drawer unt grows fat; I wass soon so weak t'at she tid not hesitate to to " The little man's face was bathed in sweat at the memory of that degradation, which his tongue refused to describe. "I endured eet to t'e last moment," he added, thickly. "T'en I fled!" "You seem to have alighted on your feet," remarked Rushford.