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But so would the robbery of the safe of a bank. If wealth can be obtained only by such swindles, I prefer poverty. You have my proxy and I have the utmost confidence in your management.

Leyds was responsible as the representative of the Republic for the management of this affair, none of these peculiar transactions were detected at any rate none were reported or exposed; but on the accession to office of an ignorant old Boer the nest of swindles appears to have been discovered without any difficulty. And it is generally admitted that Dr. Leyds is not a fool.

"Look here, let me know the worst at once," Fischer insisted. "Do you believe that any one of those cheques was made payable to any of the men who are under arrest?" "I am afraid," the secretary declared sadly, "that the proceeds of one were found on the person of Ed. Swindles, intact." Fischer sat for a moment with his head buried in his hands. "That any man could have been such a fool.

It is obvious that no very loud complaints are likely to be made about such cheating as that. It is, perhaps, one of the safest swindles ever contrived. The first document which I take from my pile is the announcement of a fellow who operates lottery-wise. His scheme appeals at once to benevolence and to greediness.

Hay is Captain Hawk, and those he swindles are pigeons." Paul was quite startled by this revelation, and it was painful to hear it of an old school friend. "He does not look like a man of that sort," he remonstrated. "It's not his business to look like a man of that sort," rejoined the detective. "He masks his batteries.

Holland, and it is probably the work of a gang, but I am going to find out who this man is, if I have to spend twice as much as I have lost." The police were not encouraging. Detective Inspector Nash, from Scotland Yard, who had handled some of the biggest cases of bank swindles, held out no hope of the money being recovered.

A learned man evidently, a man apparently at home and sure of himself in a world long dead, but as helpless as a child in the practical world of to-day. She liked him, she could not help liking him, and it irritated her exceedingly to think that men like Raish Pulcifer and Erastus Beebe should take advantage of his childlike qualities to swindle him, even if the swindles were but petty.

Leopold; "if you don't do what you are told, you'll have to take salts again and go for another walk with William." "If we don't warm up them sheets 'e'll dry up," said Mr. Swindles. "No, I won't; I'm teeming." "Be a good boy, and you shall have a nice cut of mutton when you get up," said Mr. Leopold. "How much? Two slices?"

If I don't walk to Portslade and back every second day, I go up three or four pounds. Then there's nothing for it but the physic, and that's what settles me. Can you take physic?" "I took three Beecham's pills once." "Oh, that's nothing. Can you take castor-oil?" Esther looked in amazement at the little boy at her side. Swindles had overheard the question and burst into a roar of laughter.

There they kept a sort of state, spending lavishly, now the money borrowed from the Cardinal, or upon the Cardinal's security; now the proceeds of pawned goods that had been bought on credit, and of other swindles practised upon those who were impressed by the lady's name and lineage and the patronage of the great Cardinal which she enjoyed. To live on your wits is no easy matter.