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Still, the household over which Annie presided was a superiorly respectable household and William Henry's income was, week in, week out, one of the princeliest in the street; and certainly Annie's window-curtains, and her gilt-edged Bible and artificial flowers displayed on a small table between the window-curtains was not to be surpassed.

Batchgrew," Louis argued superiorly, with the philosophic impartiality of a man well accustomed to the calm unravelling of crime, "there may be other burglars in the land beside just those three." He would not willingly allow the theory of burglars to crumble. Its attractiveness increased every moment. "There may and there mayn't, young Fores," said Thomas Batchgrew.

But in what imaginable circumstances can you say: "Yes, this idea is fine, but the style is not fine"? The sole medium of communication between you and the author has been the form of words. The fine idea has reached you. How? In the words, by the words. Hence the fineness must be in the words. You may say, superiorly: "He has expressed himself clumsily, but I can *see* what he means."

Miss Anna came with Harriet; Professor Hardage came alone; Barbee burgeoning Alcibiades of the ballroom came with Self-Confidence. He strolled indifferently toward the eldest Marguerite, from whom he passed superiorly to the central one; by that time the third had vanished. "Mamma," protested Marguerite, with indignant eyes, "do you wish Isabel to stand here and eclipse your daughter?

Wouldn't I do it, if I could? Strathpeffer. She'd soon forget her sciatica. I don't know what Mrs. Povey's annual income is, but I expect that if she took it into her head to live in the dearest hotel in England, there would be no reason why she shouldn't." Sophia lifted her head and smiled in calm amusement. "I expect so," she said superiorly. "A hotel that's the life. No worries.

When in a certain battle during the Revolutionary War, terror stricken colonists were retreating before the superiorly equipped and disciplined British soldiers, it was Israel Putnam who vainly implored the frightened Americans to make a stand. General Putnam cursed and swore, when he saw that it was impossible to stop his men and induce them to give battle to the British.

'It's like between the squares in Through the Looking-glass, said Anthea. At last they came to an orchard which was quite different from the other orchards. It had a low building in one corner. 'These are vines, said Cyril superiorly, 'and I know this is a vineyard. I shouldn't wonder if there was a wine-press inside that place over there.

And they had both superiorly puffed away into the fog the absurd misgivings of women. Knowing that he was in no condition to sleep, Edwin mended the drawing-room fire, and settled down on the sofa to read. But he could no more read than sleep. He seemed to lie on the sofa for hours while his thoughts jigged with fatiguing monotony in his head.

I am giving you a reasonable warning. Take it." Then the phone clicked most savagely and ominously and superiorly at the other end. "I knew at the time," went on X , addressing the grand jury, "that I was really listening to the man who was most powerful in such affairs in New York and elsewhere and that he meant what he said.

The muscles of this region, the antibrachial, are divided into two sub-regions, anterior and posterior. They originate superiorly from the lower extremity of the arm bone and the superior extremities of the bones of the forearm, and terminate toward the lower extremity of the region in tendons that become attached to the bones of the knee, cannon and digit.