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Applying it then to the minute opening, for such at that age it certainly was, I met with too much good will, I felt with too great a rapture of pleasure the first insertion of it, to heed much the pain that followed: I thought nothing too dear to pay for this the richest treat of the sense; so that, split up, torn, bleeding, mangled I was still superiorly pleased, and hugged the author of all this delicious ruin.

"You don't mean joining the Army?" "Yes." "What rot! There's nothing in it. Fellows are doing it everywhere." She smiled superiorly, and then inquired: "How do you join? What are you going to do? Shall you ask Everard?" "Well " he hesitated. He had no desire to consult Lucas. "Why don't you see Colonel Rannion?" she Suggested. "Jove! That's a scheme. Never thought of him!"

Their persons are so superiorly charming and preferable in whatever can recommend them to be notice of mankind, that the German youth often visit Saxony in quest of companions for life. Exclusive of their beauty and comeliness of appearance, they are brought up in a knowledge of all those arts, both useful and ornamental, which are so brilliant an addition to their native attractions.

To this we must reply, that it is unquestionably true that not only these things, but all the phenomena he beholds, indicate the existence of something gifted very superiorly to erring man; the great question, however, is one that perhaps will never be solved, what is this being? Is this question answered by heaping together the estimable qualities of man?

It caused her to imagine splendid drawing-rooms far beyond her modest level, and the superlative deportment therein of the well-born. "Not at all!" she replied, with her best affability. "But will they let you come in again without paying?" "Oh, I'll risk that," he whispered, smiling superiorly. Then he went, leaving the reticule, and she was alone.

"I wish I could stay for it." "And why not?" Big James suggested, and looked down at Edwin with half-humorous incertitude. Edwin shrugged his shoulders superiorly, indicating by instinct, in spite of himself, that possibly Big James was trespassing over the social line that divided them. And yet Big James's father would have condescended to Edwin's grandfather.

The inferior extremity is smaller than the superior and resembles the inferior extremity of the cannon bone in shape, excepting that it shows a middle groove. The anterior and posterior faces are travelled by the tendons of the digital muscles. THE MIDDLE OR SECOND DIGITAL BONE is quite short. It articulates superiorly with the first, and inferiorly with the third bone of the digit.