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To look on Steignton for once was now Aminta's phrasing of her sudden resolve; it appeared as a holiday relief from recent worries, and it was an expedition with an aim, though she had but the coldest curiosity to see the place, and felt alien to it.

The secretary and the Memoirs were associated: one had sprung out of the other. Moreover, the secretary had witnessed a scene at Steignton. The young man had done his duty, and would be thanked for that, and dismissed, with a touch of his employer's hand. The young man would have made a good soldier a better soldier, good as he might be as a scribe.

Middle courses dilute it to the stuff in a publican's tankard. It 's an adulterous beast who thinks of mixing old wine with anything. 'Hulloa! said the earl; and she drew up. 'You'll have me here till over to-morrow, Rowsley, so that I may have one clear day at Steignton? He bowed. 'You will choose your room. Mr. Weyburn is welcome.

I thought him in Paris. I supposed the place empty. I wished to see it once. I travelled as the niece of Mrs. Pagnell. She is a little infatuated.... Mr. Morsfield heard of our expedition through her. I changed the route. I was not in want of a defender. I could have defended myself in case of need. We slept at Ashead, two hours from Steignton. He and a friend accompanied us, not with my consent.

She was excited: she treated Arthur Abner's closed-volume reticence as a corroboration of the house-agent's report, and hearing Weyburn speak of his anxiety to see the earl immediately, in order to get release from his duties, proposed a seat in her carriage; for down Steignton way she meant to go, if only as excuse for a view of the old place.

Morsfield and Cumnock shrugged at the bumpkin artifice. They left their line of route to be communicated to the chariot, and chose, with practised acumen, that very course, which was the main road, and rewarded them at the end of half an hour with sight of the Steignton phaeton. But it was returning. A nearer view showed it empty of the couple.

If they promoted and offered me the command in India to-morrow 'My lord struck the arm of his chair. 'I live at Steignton henceforth; my wife is at a seaside place eastward. She left the jewel-case when on her journey through London for safety; she is a particularly careful person, forethoughtful. I take her down to Steignton two days after her return. We entertain there in the autumn. You come?

And how had she stopped her imaginative flight with the thought of looking on Steignton? All she could tell was, that it would close a volume. She could not say why the volume must be closed. Her orders for the journey down to Steignton were prompt. Mrs.

He read hers to signify that she had really enjoyed her journey, 'made the best of it, and did not intend to be humble about her visit to Steignton without his permission; but that, if hurt at the time, she had recovered her spirits, and was ready for a shot or two to be nothing like a pitched battle.

'By your courtesy, sir, a word with you in the inn yard, if you please, he said to Weyburn in the inn-porch. Weyburn answered, 'Half a minute, and was informed that it was exactly the amount of time the captain could afford to wait. Weyburn had seen the Steignton phaeton and coachman in the earl's light- blue livery. It was at his orders, he heard.