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The study was hot because it wasn't official and the reason it wasn't official was because it was so hot. It concluded that the UFO's were interplanetary spaceships. The report had circulated around high command levels of intelligence and it had been read with a good deal of interest.

But four nicely raised children? Space-travellers? Spaceships navigated by boys and girls who liked to play with puppies? Such innocuous persons to represent the most deadly danger the modern world had faced? But they did represent it. There was no way out of the fact. And somehow the facts had to be put across.

Any person disobeying the orders of the Mastership will be dealt with most severely." "Static, too. No spaceships into this system for the last five hundred years; the Convocation equals Parliament, I assume hasn't been in special session for two hundred and fifty." "Yes. I've taken over planets with that kind of government before," Shatrak said. "You can't argue with them.

"What they thought were spaceships were windshield reflections." This was the unbiased processing of UFO reports through normal intelligence channels.

"But if such spaceships were wrecked on this world, I still don't see why we didn't find traces of them in our own time." "Because that wreck you explored was bedded in a glacial era. Do you have any idea how long ago that was, counting from our own time? There were at least three glacial periods and we don't know in which one the Reds went visiting.

"This satellite is really three-quarters solid copper!" There was a loud mumble as everyone began talking at once. "How are we going to get it back home, sir?" asked Tom. "Wouldn't hauling it back in spaceships cost too much?" "Yes, it would, Corbett," answered Connel, "but I've got an idea how we can lick that problem."

Back on Terra there had been those sudden and unaccountable jumps in technical knowledge on the part of the enemy, jumps which had set in action the whole Time Travel service of which he had become a part. And these jumps had not been the result of normal research; they had come from the looting of derelict spaceships wrecked on his world in the far past.

But this didn't satisfy Keyhoe or his UFO hungry NICAPions. They wanted blood and that blood had to taste like spaceships or they wouldn't be happy. The cudgel they picked up next was powerful. This was unwarranted censorship!

It was August 19, 2037. The United Nations was just fifty years old. Televisors were still monochromatic. The Nidics had just won the World Series in Prague. Com-Pub observatories were publishing elaborate figures on moving specks in space which they considered to be Martian spaceships on their way to Earth, but which United Nations astronomers could not discover at all.

When I put my money down, the odds were 5 to 3 in favor of the UFO. The Radiation Story The idea for gathering together a group of scientists, to whom we referred as our "panel of experts," had been conceived early in 1952 as soon as serious talk about the possibility that the UFO's might be interplanetary spaceships had taken hold in both military and scientific circles.