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In his calculation the chemist takes a child of four stones weight, as the average of persons who required food relief, and he found that 160 gallons of Soyer's soup No. 2 would give sufficient nutriment to 213 such children for one day. Its price was 2-3/4d. the gallon. 160 gallons of Soyer's soup No. 4 would give sufficient nutriment to 420 such children for one day.

A few gentlemen gave M. Soyer a dinner and a snuff box before he left, and so his Irish mission was brought to a close; but his name was not forgotten, for Sawyer's soup was long a standing joke with a certain class of the Dublin people. Had the word come into popular use at the time, there is little doubt that M. Soyer's undertaking to feed the starving Irish would have been called a fiasco.

Scientific people took up M. Soyer's receipts, and dealt with them, correctly and justly, no doubt, but in a manner that must have been anything but agreeable to the great artiste of the Reform Club, who seems to have had very exalted ideas of the importance of the mission on which he was sent to Ireland.

Sir Henry Marsh, said one of the morning journals, did not attack M. Soyer, but he demolished the soup kitchen as effectively as if he did. As soon as M. Soyer's model soup depôt was completed, he resolved to open it for public inspection with a good deal of ceremony.

The Irish Relief Act, 10th Vic., c. 7 Rapid expansion of Public Works They fail to sustain the people Clauses of the new Relief Act Relief Committees Their duties Union rating Principal clergy members of Relief Committees Duties of Government Inspectors Finance Committees Numbers on Public Works in February, 1847 Monthly outlay Parliament gives authority to borrow £8,000,000 Reduction of labourers on Public Works Task work condemned Rules drawn up by new Relief Commissioners Rations to be allowed Definition of soup First Report of Commissioners Remonstrances Quantity of stationery used Cooked food recommended Monsieur Soyer comes to Ireland His coming heralded by the London Journals His soup Jealousy M. Jaquet on Soyer The Lancet on the subject Professor Aldridge, M.D., on Soyer's soup Sir Henry Marsh on it M. Soyer's model soup kitchen A "gala day" Ireland M. Soyer's "difficulty" Last appearance!

The surprise at 455 threw "the wind" up the Bolo's back at his forward positions, 457 and 457-1/2, and Lieuts. Primm and Soyer's amalgamated French-American attacking party won a quick victory.

"It seems necessary to bring forward these facts, as M. Soyer's soup has inspired the public mind with much satisfaction a satisfaction which, we venture to say, will never reach the public stomach.

During M. Soyer's visit to Ireland, a Dublin chemist read, before the Royal Dublin Society, a paper upon the nutritive and pecuniary value of various kinds of cooked food. He had previously put himself in communication with M. Soyer, who showed him over his model kitchen, and allowed him to analyze his soups.

The result of this analysis was remarkable, for he found that M. Soyer's dearest soup was the least nutritive, whilst his cheapest soup was the most so: a proportion which held through all the soups analyzed; their nutritive qualities being in an inverse ratio to their prices.

Another letter, given to the gaoler by Bonnoeil, answered these questions affirmatively. Return this letter to me. Tell Soyer that if any one asks if M. d'Aché has returned, it is two years since he was seen at Tournebut." That same evening the order for Soyer's arrest was sent to Gaillon, and twelve hours later he also was in the Conciergerie at Rouen.