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Nothing can be more significant than that Harper's Bazar receives many letters asking for directions for setting the table for supper, and for the proper service of the meats which are to gayly cover the cloth and enrich this always pleasant repast. In a general way the same service is proper at a supper as at a dinner, with the single exception of the soup-plates.

They look to me something like jelly-fish about the size of whales, only they have eyes and mouths. Did you ever see such awful-looking eyes, bigger than soup-plates and as bright as a cat's. I suppose that's because of the dim light. And the nasty wormy sort of way they swim, or fly, or whatever it is. Lenox, I don't know what the rest of Saturn may be like, but I certainly don't like this part.

Just then three horsemen, dressed in the uniform of officers of the National Guard and wearing enormous tricolour cockades as large as soup-plates on their shakos, are seen to arrive at a break-neck gallop down the pass from Grenoble. St. Genis recognised them at a glance: they were Victor de Marmont, Surgeon-Captain Emery and their friend the glovemaker, Dumoulin.

The boxes had first to be sorted out; one had no name on, and one of the crockery cases could not at first be found, having been addressed differently to the other Government cases. These crockery cases took some time to unpack. The contents made a grand show laid out in Bob Green's house. They were 1 dozen brown earthenware teapots. 5 dozen plates. 5 dozen soup-plates.

It was after her husband and she had emptied their soup-plates in companionable silence that, leaning back to wait for the next course, she asked her regular daily question. "Well, anything new? Anything interesting at the consulate?" Mr. Foss seemed in good faith to be searching his mind. Then he answered vaguely: "No; nothing in particular." All at once he smiled a smile of remembrance.

Her speech always tailed off into an awkward silence. 'We've been to see Aunt Maud, said the nephew. Her eyes, blue and scared and shrinking, met his. 'Dan had a letter, he explained. 'She's very bad. 'Isn't it horrible! she exclaimed, her face crumbling up with fear. The old woman, evidently a hard-used, rather down-trodden workman's wife, came in with two soup-plates.

A table for eight, and eight canvas chairs; a table-cloth and napkins whose whiteness and whose fineness laughed to scorn the things we were used to in the great excursion steamer; knives and forks, soup-plates, dinner-plates every thing, in the handsomest kind of style. It was wonderful! And they call this camping out.

Previous to the announcement of the dinner, the footman places the soup-tureens and the soup-plates on the side-table. As soon as the oysters are eaten, and the plates removed, the butler begins with the soup, and sends it round by two footmen, one on each side, each carrying two plates. Each footman should approach the guests on the left, so that the right hand may be used for taking the plate.

Next they took the soup-plates, the dinner-plates, the large platter and two vegetable dishes out into the kitchen to be made hot; they also carried out the bread-plate, the salad-bowl, and the pudding-dish, as well as the after-dinner coffee-cups and saucers.

"Soup-plates," said he, and washed them in the running stream, then put them before the fire to dry. While the fish and vegetable were cooking, he went and cut off some of the leafy, piunuated branches of the palm-tree, and fastened them horizontally above the strips of canvas. Each palm branch traversed a whole side of the bower. This closed the northern and western sides.