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The sophomores were filled with rage and chagrin. "That was the blamedest trick I ever heard of in all my life!" declared Andy Emery. "We weren't looking for anything of the kind." "And we have Merriwell to thank for it!" snapped Evan Hartwick. "He's full of tricks as an egg is full of meat." "By Jawve!" said Willis Paulding, who had managed to keep out of harm's way during the entire affair.

She anxiously inquired for second-hand books, but was told that the only way to secure them was from the last year's Freshmen. Just then Elnora felt that she positively could not approach any of those she supposed to be Sophomores and ask to buy their old books. The only balm the girl could see for the humiliation of yesterday was to appear that day with a set of new books.

For the time the sophomores seemed to have the best of the game. On the following morning a large piece of cardboard Swung from the door of Merriwell and Rattleton's room in Mrs. Harrington's boarding house. On the cardboard was this inscription: "Good-morning! Have you used Soap?" Harry was up at an early hour industriously scrubbing away.

Much to his amazement it was for Ken to discover that, now the time had come for him to face his examinations, he was not at all sanguine. He began to worry. He forgot about the text-books he had mastered in his room during the long winter when he feared to venture out because of the sophomores.

There was a whoop followed by cries and calls and in rushed the junior players, most of them dressed in gymnasium suits. Julia Crosby, at their head, had come with so much force, that she now slid halfway across the room, landing right in the midst of the sophomores. "I beg your pardon," said Grace, who had been almost knocked down by the encounter, "I suppose you did not notice us.

Oh, it's just practice," said Madeline easily, "practice and being of a naturally hopeful disposition. Run along now." "I thought I'd better not tell them," Madeline confided to the genius of her room, when the sophomores were safely out of earshot, "that I haven't the faintest notion what to do with those freshmen after we get them there.

In a brief time the sophomores returned to the piazza where the minister was still standing. "Mr. Whitaker," began the leader. "Yes, sir. At your service," responded the minister pleasantly. "Why do you object to our coming in? You know we won't do any harm to the place. You know what we've come for." "Perhaps that's the very reason why I object." "You don't have to stay here.

She was not the kind of girl to renew her youth with the Sophomores and Freshmen in the classes succeeding the class with which she had danced through college; so far as she had kept up the old relation with students, she continued it with the men who had gone into the law-school.

Reports had come to him that Mott and Ogden, the two fleetest-footed sophomores, had already been working hard, and rumors were also current that he himself was to be kidnapped and prevented from entering the games.

Then it was that Rattleton some way found out that a number of sophomores who dined at a club on York Street were going to attend a party that evening. It was to be a swell affair on Temple Street, and the sophs were certain to wear their dress suits. "They'll din for dresser I mean dress for dinner," spluttered Harry as he was telling Frank.