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He started forward from the restaurant door and paused, struggling with a refractory match in an effort to light a cigarette. A man brushed by him, making for the restaurant door, a tall, wiry-built, swarthy, sharp-featured man and Jimmie Dale flipped the stub of his match away from him, and went on. Sonnino himself! There was luck then at the start the coast was clear!

For one of the maxims of the present chief of the Consulta, Baron Sonnino, is that secrecy is the soul of efficacy. And as thoroughness marks his action whenever it is quite free, the mystery that enwraps the schemes and designs of King Victor's Government is become impenetrable.

Early in the winter of 1914 Prince von Bülow, one of the most suave and experienced German diplomats, arrived in Rome on a special mission from Berlin. In his first interview with the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baron Sonnino, he frankly acknowledged Italy's right to territorial compensation under the terms of Article VII of the Triple Alliance.

I fancy you can find a means of inducing Sonnino here to keep his mouth shut; and I fancy that of the two evils holding young Archman as a club over his father, or of your employers facing their trial and conviction you can convince the 'Private Club Ring' that the lesser, the lesser as regards your risk, say, is to face that trial and conviction. Do I make myself plain Laroque?

Baron Sonnino suggested that M. Scavenius, Minister of Denmark, recently in Russia, would be able to give interesting data on the Russian situation. Those present seemed to think that it might be desirable to hear what these gentlemen might have to say. Senator KNOX. Do you know anything about a letter that Buckler wrote to the President in relation to his mission?

But the smile was gone as he leaned back in his seat after giving Benson his directions speed, and a corner a few blocks away from Chatham Square he was not so sure that it was all right. It was entirely a question of time. Given the time and the opportunity Niccolo Sonnino out of the road, for instance given twenty minutes ahead of Clarie Archman and Gentleman Laroque, it would be simple enough.

Associated with this was, people alleged, a wish to provoke a radical and, as they thought, beneficent change in the entire régime by getting rid of its chiefs. This plan had been successfully tried against MM. Orlando and Sonnino in Italy.

Five days after the Italian Premier and his Minister of Foreign Affairs had departed from Paris I had a long interview with a well-known Italian diplomat, who was an intimate friend of both Signor Orlando and Baron Sonnino and who had been very active in the secret negotiations regarding the Italian boundaries which had been taking place at Paris since the middle of December.

It is easy to believe almost anything of a diplomacy that dealt with Giolitti in the private rooms of a hotel after the downfall of the Salandra Government.... At any rate, Giolitti went through the forms correctly: he called on the Premier Salandra, the Foreign Minister Sonnino, who laid before the ex-Premier the situation as it had shaped itself. Even the King received him in private audience.

At Sonnino bad wine was sold for sevenpence the litre, while the same quantity of passable wine might be had at Pagliano, thirty miles off, for twopence halfpenny; so the cost of carrying an article weighing some two pounds for thirty miles was fourpence halfpenny. Wherever governments make roads, prices naturally find their level.