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Snuggling up, she said: "No, Granny, I do wish I could see more; if only I could go and stay with them a little!" And as she planted that dart of suggestion, the gong sounded. In Frances Freeland, lying awake till two, as was her habit, the suggestion grew.

She brought to him one of the familiar-looking missives, and Bobby, as he took it, looked speculatively at the big fireplace, in which, as it was early fall, comfortable-looking real logs were crackling. "Don't do it, Bobby," she warned him smiling. "Let's have the fun together," and she sat beside him on the couch, snuggling close.

"My, don't dry clothes and warm covers feel good!" exclaimed Judy, snuggling down in the lavender-scented linen sheets. "Molly, I was never more frightened in my life than when that figure appeared behind the altar! My not really believing in ghosts did not help me one bit.

Josephine's likely to appreciate that more'n you, Milly!" Milly was amply content with this division. Husband and wife lay awake for long hours that night, in a flutter of excitement, discussing Milly's marvellous windfall. "Just think," Milly cried, snuggling very close to her husband. "We'll go abroad as soon as we can pack up, shan't we? And you will paint! And all thanks to poor old grandma."

He went obediently, but slowly and unhappily, his rifle snuggling in the crook of his left elbow, his heavy boots finding firm footing in the rough and rocky trail as if by instinct of their own, without assistance from his brain. A "revenuer," coming up, just then, to bother him about his still and its unlawful product of raw whisky, would have met small mercy at his hands.

Allonby declined, and a few others besides themselves preferred to lunch on the banks of the bit of water. 'I like this much the best, said Bobby, snuggling close to his father; 'it's as hot as fire, isn't it? His father looked at his rosy cheeks with content. 'I wish I could give you children an out-of-door country life, he said; 'that's what you ought to have.

Very soberly, very thoughtfully then, across the tangled, snuggling head of his own and another woman's child, he urged the torments and the comforts of his home upon this second woman. "What is there about my offer that you don't like?" he demanded earnestly. "Is it the whole idea that offends you? Or just the way I put it? 'General Heartwork for a Family of Two? What is the matter with that?

One hand off the steering wheel, he took her hand a fresh, cool, virginal hand, snuggling into his, suddenly stirring him. He wanted to hold it tighter.

I'm off to bed again for a bit besides, young Wally's bursting to know how you liked your sock. Go to sleep again, old chap." "I'll try," said Norah, obediently, snuggling down, "Take some chocolates to Wally and the castor oil!"

"Because I have found a wonderful incentive to spur me on," he answered as he handed her into the carriage which was waiting for them, and they whirled off up the hill. "And you will stay here till after the wedding, won't you?" asked Toinette, snuggling close to his side and slipping her arm through his. "What! Five whole days? What will you do with me all that time?"