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Updated: August 9, 2024

She then turned round in her chair, and with that sudden, unaccountable snappishness of tone to which the brisk old are subject, she snarled: "Gie me a pinch of snuff, some of ye, do!" Tobacco dust was instantly at her disposal. She took it with the points of her fingers delicately, and divested the crime of half its uncleanness and vulgarity more an angel couldn't.

Like dogs barking at one another, thought Laura, listening to the loveless bandying of words she was unused to the snappishness of the Irish manner, which sounds so much worse than it is meant to be: and she was chilled anew by it when, over the telephone, she heard Georgy holding a heated conversation with Joey. He was a fat young man, with hanging cheeks, small eyes, and a lazy, lopsided walk.

It was headaches with her and general snappishness of temper. Sleepiness is worse in some ways, though not so bad for the other people. However, I'll do the best I can, and if we don't get the cold salmon we'll just have to do without." She rose from her cushion, stretched herself and yawned unrestrainedly. Then she rubbed both eyes with her knuckles.

"It seems to me," Easton went on without paying any regard to the snappishness of Skinner's tone, "that though we cannot make ourselves any heavier, weight is not after all the only thing. I think we might make up for it by last. When fellows are going to row a race they don't content themselves with practice, they set to and train hard.

He idolized him after his own fashion, with an accompaniment of snappishness and boxes on the ear; but, this child once gone, he felt a black void in his heart; he would allow no one to mention the child to him, and all the while secretly regretted that he was so well obeyed. At first, he hoped that this Buonapartist, this Jacobin, this terrorist, this Septembrist, would return.

We burn in it hickory wood, cut long. We like the smell of this aromatic forest timber, and its clear flame. The birch is also a sweet wood for the hearth, with a sort of spiritual flame and an even temper, no snappishness.

This snappishness amazed and wounded the young man. He said: "Rosannah, that was not like you." "I suppose it becomes me as much as your very polite speech became you, Mr. Fitz Clarence." "Mister Fitz Clarence! Rosannah, there was nothing impolite about my speech." "Oh, indeed! Of course, then, I misunderstood you, and I most humbly beg your pardon, ha-ha-ha!

Except Mr Forester Dale, and he, I regret to say, made himself a perfect nuisance to everybody on board by his snappishness and irascibility. The weather was "beastly," the ship was "beastly," and his demeanour was such as to suggest to the other passengers the idea that he considered them also to be "beastly," a suggestion which they very promptly resented by sending him to Coventry.

They salute each other with, "I hope you are good this morning;" or "I hope you have recovered from the snappishness from which you were suffering when I last saw you;" and if the person saluted has not been good, or is still snappish, he says so at once and is condoled with accordingly.

But that the tiny Lady MacGregor should refer to tall Josette, who was nearly twice her height, as a "little beast," struck him as somewhat funny. Besides, her toy-terrier snappishness was comic. "I've nothing against the girl," Lady MacGregor felt it right to go on, "except that she's an idiot to bite off her nose to spite her own face and Nevill's too.

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