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This work, under the title of "Nuncius Sidereus," or the "Sidereal Messenger," was dedicated to the same prince; and the dedication bears the date of the 24th of March, only two days after he concluded his observations. The importance of this great discovery was instantly felt by the enemies as well as by the friends of the Copernican system.

All this is seen too vividly, the horror of it becomes intolerable, on a clear night like this, in a place so silent and littered so with ruins. More and more the cold penetrates you the mournful cold of the sidereal spheres from which nothing now seems to protect you, so rarefied almost non-existent does the limpid atmosphere appear.

In proportion as these are utilized or disregarded, so perhaps is retrogression induced or progress achieved. But not in Hades or yet in Elysium. These were the inventions of man for his brother. So also was the very neighbourly heaven which the early Church devised. But because that has gone from the sidereal chart, it does not follow that there is no such place.

Herschel first showed the sidereal universe as accessible to investigation, and thereby offered to science new worlds majestic, manifold, "infinitely infinite" to our apprehension in number, variety, and extent for future conquest. Their gradual appropriation has absorbed, and will long continue to absorb, the powers which it has served to develop.

The consequence of this was obvious, for the lunar year of the hejrah being eleven days short of the sidereal or solar year the order of the seasons was soon inverted; and it is only astonishing that its inaptness to the purposes of agriculture should not have been immediately discovered.

His brain, disordered by fever, seemed to whirl and whirl in mad rotation, and these cycles evoked in his confused mind an image which had often filled it. He saw a wheel, an enormous wheel, immense as a terrestrial sphere, its upper part lost in cloud, its lower arc merging in the sidereal dust which glittered in the darkness of the heavens.

The motion of the earth, for instance, illustrated by a ship rising above the horizon the sidereal system, and the eclipses of the moon. He describes the population of this vicinity as being very dense, and ignorant.

The organising principle of this grand scheme must long remain mysterious. It is no solitary example. Particular association, indeed as was surmised by Michell far back in the eighteenth century appears to be the rule rather than an exception in the sidereal system. Stars are bound together by twos, by threes, by dozens, by hundreds.

As the examination of the sun and stars proceeded, chemists were amazed or delighted, according to their various preconceptions, to witness the proof that many familiar terrestrial elements are to be found in the celestial bodies. But what perhaps surprised them most was to observe the enormous preponderance in the sidereal bodies of the element hydrogen.

But to-day the real woman, casting off her carnival domino, casting off too the sidereal raiment, had spoken, for the first time, in simple womanhood, and her betraying eyes had told things that they had told to no other man living or dead. And all that was artificial, all that was fantastic, all that was glamour, was stripped away from Paul in the instant of her self-revelation.