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I asked the serving-man who led the foremost mule if his young lord was seriously hurt. He answered: 'Yes; for he has broken his elbow and his shoulder and his collar-bone. But that is nothing, since he has disgraced our house. A bitter wail of 'Woe the day! came from within the palanquin.

"A rock-troll her weight did throw At Skeggi's throat a while ago: Over the battle ogress ran The red blood of the serving-man; Her deadly iron mouth did gape Above him, till clean out of shape She tore his head and let out life: And certainly I saw their strife." Then Thorkel's men sprung up and said that surely trolls had not taken the man in broad daylight.

'Deed he does." "You are just an impertinent old negro," the girl replied. "Do you suppose any well-raised girl would have a man who got rich by cleaning the Bad Man's hat? You're nothing but the devil's serving-man, sir." "Look out dat debbil don't ketch you, den," said Samson. "You pore, foolish, believin' chile! Look out dem purty black eyes don't cry for ole Samson yit.

"Eh, dear, but I marvel if I can ever find mine own when we come to dwell here!" "That will you soon enough. Look, here cometh your serving-man. Give you good morrow!" A few days saw them safely housed in the Castle, where two of them were to dwell for ten years before they returned to their own home at Lincoln. But old Muriel was never to return.

Lord BALTIMORE spoke in substance as follows: Sir, I am not able to discover any necessity of compromising this debate, by taking the mean between the two different opinions, or for denying to the soldiers what every labourer or serving-man would murmur to be refused for a single day.

The stranger looked puzzled a moment, then said: "The lord Ulrich?" "Yes if you will be so good." The stranger called "Wilhelm!" A young serving-man came, and the stranger said to him: "Is there a lord Ulrich among the guests?" "I know none of the name, so please your honor." Conrad said, hesitatingly: "I did not mean a guest, but the lord of the castle, sir."

Who comes to the door? so quickly, too?" There was a loud hurried knocking, and in another minute a serving-man hurried in with a letter. "This to Captain Amyas Leigh with haste, haste!" It was Sir Richard's hand. Amyas tore it open; and "a loud laugh laughed he." "The Armada is coming! My wish has come true, mother!" "God help us, it has! Show me the letter." It was a hurried scrawl.

Absorbed in his books, hours passed away unheeded, and he remarked not the opening of the door and entrance of a serving-man, who, seeing his master engaged, waited respectfully until he should be noticed. At length Bradford looked up and demanded his business. "This," said the man, "was found in the chamber of Sir Christopher Gardiner."

Then when she rose to depart from him, he had sent his serving-man to bid Master Holzschuher, the notary, to come to him, and to bring with him two trustworthy witnesses duly sworn to secrecy. As he bid her farewell he had laughed, and whispered to her that his Eminence the Cardinal would be well-content with old Im Hoff, yea, and she likewise, and her lover.

My uncle, therefore, searched strenuously. The attorney was at his elbow, and the doctor helped with a suggestion now and then. The old serving-man seemed an honest deaf creature, and really knew nothing. My uncle Watson was very much perturbed.