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Her patience and self-suppression had had the effect, as years went on, of making a tyrant of her husband.

It was a great victory, a characteristically Russian exploit in self-suppression. She recalled me to myself by getting up suddenly like a person who has come to a decision.

There was a premeditated self-suppression, a gravity of restraint, which implied some falsity; some intention other than the words conveyed: 'It must have been a job to carry me up those stairs. The Doctor was doubting everything, but as the safest attitude he stuck to literal truth so far as his words conveyed it: 'Yes.

Not a soul in the trenches, one would think, who is not caught up into a mood of comradeship and self-suppression which amounts almost to exaltation. Not one but has to fight through moods almost reaching extinction of the very love of life.

Chamberlain's delivery of this bitter little speech of his; and, above all, that he could nowhere and in nowise better learn the lesson of the extraordinary increase there is in the force of a speech by careful self-suppression on the part of the speaker. There were one or two marvellous examples of Mr. Chamberlain's extraordinary readiness in taking a point. I think Mr.

His Catholicism must be understood as the Catholicism of Auguste Comte, defined by Huxleynamely, Catholicism minus Christianity. He glorifies suicide. He abhors the self-suppression of asceticism; he derides chastity, humility, mortificationevery virtue which we are accustomed to associate with the Christian faith. He glorifies self-assertion and the pride of life.

The tradition which forced silence upon women in places of public worship had held with Miss Lavinia only by the exercising of the sternest and most rigorous self-suppression, which at any time might have been broken except for the curbing of her iron will.

It would be hard to overstate the moral effect of that vast organised system of self-sacrifice and self-suppression. Three or four points may be noted in relation to these schools. One is, that in all classrooms and playgrounds, a master is always present.

It required strong self-suppression for me to keep from climbing to the top of it and giving an imitation of Sidney Carton. The vehicle was drawn by beasts of a bygone era and driven by something dark and emancipated. I knew its habits; and I did not want to hear it prate about its old "marster" or anything that happened "befo' de wah." The hotel was one of the kind described as "renovated."

Christ speaks in my text as if that thirst was by no means universal, and, alas! it is not, 'If any man thirst'; there are some of us that do not, for we are all so constituted that, unless by continual self-discipline, and self-suppression, and self-evolution, the lower desires will overgrow the loftier ones, and kill them, as weeds will some precious crop.