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John'; Hamilton Reynolds, whose good temper and vivacity were like condiments at a feast; John Clare, the peasant-poet, simple as a daisy; Tom Hood, young, silent, and grave, but who nevertheless now and then shot out a pun that damaged the shaking sides of the whole company; De Quincey, self-involved and courteous, rolling out his periods with a pomp and splendor suited, perhaps, to a high Roman festival; and with these sons of fame gathered certain nameless folk whose contributions to the great 'London' are now under the protection of that tremendous power which men call Oblivion."

In this condition he affords an excellent example of a self-involved philosopher, defending himself from the annoyance of the world by a stoical crustiness, and seeking all his enjoyment within his own centre. His muscular strength being great, and especially that of his fore-legs, it is very difficult to unroll him.

He is queer, he is restless; life is not so very much when you come to look upon many phases of it. "Did any of you ever know a contented man?" I inquired idly, merely for the sake of something to say. There was silence for a moment, and one after another met my roving glance with a thoughtful, self-involved and retrospective eye. Old Mr. Main was the first to answer. "Yes, I did. One."

He is 'self-involved, not dark. He sits in the centre of his own being, and there 'enjoys bright day. He does not waste a thought on others. Whatever does not relate exclusively and wholly to himself is foreign to his views. He contemplates a whole-length figure of himself, he looks along the unbroken line of his personal identity.

Young visionaries to whom just so much of insight had been imparted as to make life all a labyrinth around them came to seek the clew that should guide them out of their self-involved bewilderment.

In his negative philosophy, when he shut the door of his room, it was his custom to shut the door on memory too to empty his mind of all its contents except the physical disposition to sleep. He cultivated an Indian's self-involved and deliberate vacancy.

By a kind of instinct, Walter felt that it would be good to disturb this epicurean indifference to the general interests of the school, and the kind of intellectualism which weakened the character of this attractive and affectionate, yet shy and self-involved boy. "Ah, I see," said Walter archly; "you're as bad as Kenrick; you Priests and Levites won't touch my poor little wounded traveller."

And I remember I was thinking with myself: "If the air would only become faintly visible for a moment, what a sight it would be of waste grandeur with its thousands of billowing eddies, and self-involved, conflicting, and swallowing whirlpools from the sea-bottom of this common!" when, with my imagination resting on the fancied vision, I was startled by such a moan as seemed about to break into a storm of passionate cries, but was followed by the words: "O God!

Newcomb was for many years a resident of Providence, afterwards finding a home in England and in Paris. He was early a member of Brook Farm a solitary, self-involved person, preferring to associate with children rather than with older persons. He read much in the literature of the mystics, and was laughingly said to prefer paganism to Christianity.

There were stray starbeams in this apartment; her eyes were accustomed to the gloom; she could dimly discern the great book-cases lining the wall, an antique chair, the glittering key-board of a grand-piano that stood apart, yet thrilling perhaps with recent harmonies, a colossal head of Antinoüs, that self-involved dreamer, stone-entranced in a calm of passion.