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But he now saw how, with that home and his father's honored name as his vantage ground, he might have made himself rich and honored. The misspent days and years of the past became like so many reproachful ghosts, and he realized that he had idled away the precious seed-time of his life, or, rather, had been busy sowing thorns and nettles, that had grown all too quickly and rankly.

The water in these channels is all below the surface, and a goodly proportion of the whole teeming population of the delta is engaged between seed-time and harvest in pumping the life-giving water from these ditches into the small surface trenches that conduct it over their fields and gardens.

Perhaps he built a monstrous lever and contrived the moon to be his fulcrum. Anyway, here at last was the earth spinning backward in its course the spring preceding winter the sun rising in the west one o'clock going before twelve soup trailing after nuts the seed-time following upon the harvest. And so it began to appear so ran the story that human life, too, was reversed.

Very diligent for the first six months, till September or October next, which we may call his SEED-TIME; and by no means resting after nine or twelve months, while the harrowing and hoeing went on. "prosper in his hands."

The law of continuity is the hardest one for average men and women to comprehend, or, at any rate, to obey. Seed-time and harvest in gardens and fields they have learned to understand and profit by.

"Of what significance the things you can forget? A little thought is sexton to all the world." "How can we expect a harvest of thought who have not had a seed-time of character?" "Only he can be trusted with gifts who can present a face of bronze to expectations." "I ask to be melted. You can only ask of the metals that they be tender to the fire that melts them.

"We do well to be thankful, but I think humility becomes us too. While we doubted the sun and the rain have been with us for a sign that, though men grow faint-hearted and spare their toil, seed-time and harvest shall not fail."

"It does not seem to trouble you much, Woodruff" said my brother, glancing round the well-furnished apartment. "My son and S do it all," cried the old man. "Of course the girls help in busy times, and take care of the dairy, and we hire occasionally; but small as the sum is which is expended in wages during seed-time and harvest, I feel it, I can tell you." "You are married again, Woodruff?"

For a long period there had been, from the causes and circumstances premised, sore difficulties in the assembling of congregations, and the sacrament of the Supper had not been dispensed in many parts of the shire of Ayr from the time of the Highland host; so that there was a great longing in the hearts of the covenanted to partake once again of that holy refreshment; and shortly after the seed-time it began to be concerted, that early in the summer a day should be set apart, and a place fixed for the celebration of the same.

The lotos floats on the mirror of the waters, and among the papyrus reeds by the shore water-fowl innumerable build their nests. Between the river and the mountain-range lie fields, which after the seed-time are of a shining blue-green, and towards the time of harvest glow like gold.