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Updated: August 9, 2024

Had poor Priam escaped from Troy, one thing, and only one thing, would have given him a small ray of satisfaction, viz. he would have heard of one of his daughters nobly preferring to leave this world rather than live to become servant-maid to old Grecian ladies: Non ego Myrmidonum sedes, Dolopumve superbas, Adspiciam, aut Graiis servitum matribus ibo.

One inscription found in the Via delle Monache shows that in connection with the sedes Fortunae were a manceps and three cellarii. This is an inscription of the last of the second or the first of the third century A.D., when both lower and upper temples were in very great favor.

Corio sums up his character thus: 'Fu costui uomo alla libidine molto proclivo; in grandissimo precio furono le gioie appresso di lui. Del giorno faceva notte, e la notte ispediva quanto gli occorreva. Marcus Attilius Alexius says: 'Paulus II. ex concubiná domum replevit, et quasi sterquilinium facta est sedes Barionis. See Gregorovius, Stadt Rom, vol. vii. p. 215, for the latter quotation.

He is not entirely incognito, but is without royal state; the "guard of twenty men, the escort of 160 men," being no men of his, but presumably mere Town-guard of Aix coming in an honorary way. Aix is proud to see him; he himself is intent on the waters here at old Aix: Aquisgranum, urbs regalis, Sedes Regni principalis:

Not thus came the Magi of the East across the deserts to stony Judaea, and though the Emperor of the East be of them, and the Patriarch of Constantinople another, we know it is to the knowledge of Plato they would lead us, and not to the Sedes Sapientiae.

The order of nature is the effect of divine wisdom, its stability is the result of divine beneficence. "Estne Dei sedes nisi terra, et pontus, et aer, Et coelum, et virtus? Superos quid quærimus ultra? Jupiter est quodcunque vides, quocunque moveris."

Helen's, Bishopgate, and the Charterhouse Chapel, which contain the original pulpits of about the sixteenth century. The famous Dr. Busby, who for 55 years was head master of Westminster School, was a great favourite of King Charles, and a picture painted by Sir Peter Lely, is said to have been presented to the Doctor by His Majesty; it is called "Sedes Busbiana."

For the seeds of the Thirty Years' War of Germany were already sown broadcast in those fatal duchies, and it was the determination of the agents of Spain to acquire the mastery of that most eligible military position, that excellent 'sedes belli, whenever Protestantism was to be assailed in England, the Netherlands, or Germany.

An oblique censure of the Romans for purchasing peace and alliance with the Germans, cf. XVI. Populis. Dative of the agent instead of the abl. with a or ab. Cf. note 3: Ulixi. Ne quidem. These words are always separated, the word on which the emphasis rests being placed between them. Here however the emphasis seems to belong to the whole clause Inter se, sc. sedes junctas inter se.

For the seeds of the Thirty Years' War of Germany were already sown broadcast in those fatal duchies, and it was the determination of the agents of Spain to acquire the mastery of that most eligible military position, that excellent 'sedes belli, whenever Protestantism was to be assailed in England, the Netherlands, or Germany.

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