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In our own country local interests are provided for by State legislatures, and in elections for Congress the scrutin d'arrondissement is adopted. On the last day of December, 1875, the National Assembly was dissolved. Confused, uninteresting, factious as it had been on points of politics, it had at least taught Frenchmen something of parliamentary tactics and the practical system of compromise.

He was an ardent supporter of the single-member constituency, or scrutin d'arrondissement, as the French call it, in opposition to scrutin de liste. I, on the other hand, foresaw that the new system would break up the powerful political associations in our great towns, and thus destroy a political force which I believed to be of great value.

Then began the quarrel of which we have read so often in Associated Press telegrams, the dispute concerning the scrutin de liste and the scrutin d'arrondissement.

Jéliotte laughed heartily, believing that he was funny. If there is a list balloted for, and there certainly will be, Thibaudier will head the list. If they had maintained the scrutin d'arrondissement, he would have been capable of passing muster, all the same!" "Against me?" "Against you. Thibaudier is very popular! And as firm as a rock!

"Scrutin" means ballot; "scrutin de liste" means that electors might choose any Frenchman as their candidate; "scrutin d'arrondissement," that they must confine their choice to some man living in the district for which he wished to stand. The Left disapproved the scrutin d'arrondissement, which gave too much scope, it said, for local interests to have weight over political issues.

About three o'clock I noticed that Mr. Kear and Silas Huntly were holding an animated conversation in the fore- top. The petroleum merchant had evidently some difficulty in bringing the ex-captain round to his opinion, for I saw him several times shake his head as he gave long and scrutin- izing looks at the sea and sky.

Gentlemen, in the actual state of things, to whom belongs the Government of the country? It belongs to some two or three thousand electors, who assuredly are neither the best nor the most intelligent, who turn the scale at each of our scrutin de liste elections.

He was mistaken. Three months after he accepted office, the Radicals and the Conservatives combined for his overthrow. He was defeated in the Chamber on a question of the scrutin de liste, and resigned. Gambetta's disappointment was very great. He had counted on his popularity, and had hoped to accomplish great things.

A Council of State composed of the most distinguished men, who shall prepare laws and shall support them in debate before the Legislative Body. A Legislative Body which shall discuss and vote the laws, and which shall be elected by universal suffrage, without scrutin de liste, which falsifies the elections.

The evil of the Block Vote or scrutin de liste is that it gives all the representation to the majority, and excludes the minority; its merit is that it prevents the formation of a number of minorities. How this evil will be doubled if it is entirely removed by allowing both majority and minority their just share of representation we leave the Professor to explain.