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William Russell, said he gave them his schedule, and would have sent the shirt off his back to Beauregard, if it had been asked for. Here the adventurous fugitives inquired which end of the switch they should go in on at Kingston.

Unless this is done it would be better simply to "calendar" the letters themselves, with the barest schedule of dates and facts to assist the comprehension of them. But to consider the different methods of doing this still more of presenting letters apart from deliberate biographical intention would lead us too far.

For the young man, once established, and possessed of the office of consul, bade Cicero farewell; and, reconciling himself to Antony and Lepidus, joined his power with theirs, and divided the government, like a piece of property, with them. Thus united, they made a schedule of above two hundred persons who were to be put to death.

He read it carefully, knitted his brows for a moment, and then said, slowly: "For a beginner that schedule is about the best I ever saw. It's a hummer without a doubt. But to prevent the lives of the Congressional Committee from being placed in jeopardy, I think I shall have to make another." Then he laughed heartily, and continued,

In this respect nothing could be more widely separated than his conduct and that of the three priests of the Jama Masjid in Delhi, who, discovering us on the wall, just before the Friday service began, held up the service for several minutes while they explained their schedule of gratuities beginning with ten rupees for the High Priest and this after we had already provided for the attendant who had supplied the overshoes and had led us to the point of vantage!

The United States government wished me to state how many sons and daughters I had and whether my sons were males and my daughters females. There were other questions of a like nature, but these are all I can recall at present. Halfway through the schedule I was in a high state of irritation. The census enumerator's visit in itself I do not consider a nuisance.

'T ain't every new-married wife thet's willin' to sample her husband's tastes by his ma's cook-books. They seem to think they 're too dictatorial. But, of co'se, wife's receipts was better 'n most, an' Mary Elizabeth, she knows that. She ain't been married but a week, but she's served up sev'al self-made dishes a'ready all constructed accordin' to wife's schedule.

If four or five words, or sometimes even a single word and a comma, added to or taken away from the schedule of a Tariff Act can give a man or group of men a monopoly and tax half the nation in order to make them rich, you have given men too personal a reason for the use of their votes. I can summarise my position in regard to Tariff Reform very easily.

That is to say, the Commission will act as a party and a judge at the same time. Having determined the claim, it will draw up a schedule of payments providing for the discharge of the whole sum with interest within thirty years.

Two days before, from the bridge of the steamer, I had begun to see the shores of Africa. I pity all those who, when they see those pale cliffs for the first time, do not feel a great leap at their hearts, at the thought that this land prolongs itself thousands and thousands of leagues.... I was little more than a child, I had plenty of money. I was ahead of schedule.