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Were he to die now without a further will, Humblethwaite and Scarrowby would go to the wretch who had destroyed him. What was the title to him now, or even the name? His wife's nephew was an Earl with an enormous rent-roll, something so large that Humblethwaite and Scarrowby to him would be little more than additional labour.

"You can think of other things for a while," she said. He was obliged to say that he would, but it did seem to him that Scarrowby was a sort of penal servitude to which he was about to be sent with his own concurrence. The scent of the cleanliness was odious to him. "I don't know what I shall do there of an evening," he said.

And if not his daughter, then neither would he give to such a scapegrace either Humblethwaite in Cumberland or Scarrowby in Durham. There did exist a party who said that Sir Harry would divide the property, but they who held such an opinion certainly knew very little of Sir Harry's social or political tenets. Any such division was the one thing which he surely would not effect.

I will give you another when Papa says that everything is right." "Not till then?" "No, George, not till then. But I shall love you just the same. I cannot love you better than I do." He had nothing for it but to submit, and was obliged to be content during the remainder of their long walk with talking of his future life at Scarrowby.

But his own child, his only child, the transmitter of all the great things that fortune had given to him; she, in whose hands were to lie the glories of Humblethwaite and Scarrowby; she, who had the giving away of the honour of their ancient family, could she be trusted to one of whom it must be admitted that all his early life had been disreputable, even if the world's lenient judgment in such matters should fail to stigmatize it as dishonourable?

Indeed, I'm ready to give up anything." "Will you give up London?" "London!" In simple truth, George did not quite understand the proposition. "Yes; will you leave London? Will you go and live at Scarrowby, and learn to look after the farm and the place?" George's face fell, his face being less used to lying than his tongue; but his tongue lied at once: "Oh yes, certainly, if you wish it.

George, to do him justice, had not been fishing for an invitation to Scarrowby. He had simply been making conversation with the Baronet. It would not have suited him to go to Scarrowby, because by doing so he would have lost the power of renewing his visit to Humblethwaite.

I wish Scarrowby was at the bottom of the sea." "Sir Harry wouldn't like that at all." "I dare say not. And as such places must be, I suppose they ought to be looked after. Only why in June? Good-bye! We shall meet again some day." But not a word was said about Humblethwaite in September. He did not choose to mention the prospect of his autumn visit, and she did not dare to do so.

You know I am to come to Humblethwaite again?" "Of course you are." "You go down next month, I believe?" "Papa talks of going to Scarrowby for a few weeks. He always does every year, and it is so dull. Did you ever see Scarrowby?" "Never." "You ought to come there some day. You know one branch of the Hotspurs did live there for ever so long." "Is it a good house?"

"I know he did, but that is over now. I am to go and live at Scarrowby at once, and have the shooting. He can't want me to remain there all by myself." "But he does; and so do I." "Why?" In order that he might be made clean by the fire of solitude and the hammer of hard work. She could not quite say this to him. "You know, George, your life has been one of pleasure."