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'I'm going to the Italian Opera to try on, said Miss Wren, taking away her hand after a little while, and laughing satirically to hide that she had been crying; 'I must see your back before I go, Mr Wrayburn. Let me first tell you, once for all, that it's of no use your paying visits to me. You wouldn't get what you want, of me, no, not if you brought pincers with you to tear it out.

When he smells our coffee cooking it'll call up some long-forgotten craving for the Java bean; and first thing you know he'll be invading our camp every night, hunting around for any old thing he can steal." "Now, I like that," said Bobolink, satirically.

"Her master, the devil, I suppose." "Where is the Captain to be examined?" "Oh, here in Salem, where his accusers are. It comes off tomorrow. They lose no time you see." "Well, I would not have believed it possible. Whom will they attack next?" "The Governor, I suppose," replied Master Joseph satirically. "Or you?"

One has few enough of them in this world. Ta-ta!" She laughed satirically, and turned on her heel, regardless of the effect of her words. But Dove was not offended; on the contrary, he felt rather flattered.

Still standing in the strong light which poured in through the window, Ware looked at the girl satirically. "You are a very clever mimic, Miss Franklin," said he, "but you rather forgot yourself in that last speech. Anne is of too sensitive a nature to have explained herself with such a wealth of detail." "You were deceived at first," grumbled Portia, rocking herself.

Schriven now really glanced at her, and he found her brilliant black eyes and fair flushed face such pleasing objects of contemplation that he was content to look for a moment while he puzzled a little over the unexpected apparition. He then smiled satirically and said, "What follows from so momentous a fact?"

The surgeon smiled satirically, comparing silent Griffith's peril with his second's. Griffith took no notice. He went like Fortitude plodding to Execution. Major Rickards fell behind, and whispered Mr. Islip, "Don't like his looks; doesn't march like a winner. A job for you or the sexton, you mark my words."

I know lots of people there who would give a hundred thousand dollars to have a grandfather, and much more than that to have a family ghost." "I don't think I should like America." "I suppose because we have no ruins and no curiosities," said Virginia, satirically. "No ruins! no curiosities!" answered the Ghost; "you have your navy and your manners."

Still, I was graver than usual, even until the plowing was done, and Harry, not knowing the reason, commented satirically upon it. The thaw came early that year, and the latter snow had been light, while steady dry weather followed it, and there were times when I felt that I should have given several years of my life for rain.

"Thanks for the compliment!" interrupted Pacomius Borisovitch. The fair-haired man nodded to him satirically. "I need a lot more," he repeated firmly and impressively; "and if you don't give me at least twenty-five rubles I'll denounce you this very minute to the police and you see I have my witnesses ready." "Sergei Antonitch! Mr. Kovroff! Have mercy on us! Where can we get so much from?