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If we were to retain our advantage there was no time to be lost; we were pitted now against Silva Sanchez, and he was a leader not to be despised or temporized with; no cowardly, brainless fool.

"Now let down easy, lads," I called. "No, place it amidships; get it even, or you go over. Wrap your line about the thwart, Pierre, and take a hand. Ay! that's better. Watch out now; we'll drop this end Lord, but I thought it was gone! Fix it to ride steady, and stand by we'll pass a wounded man out to you!" I stepped across to Sanchez, slushing through the water, and barely able to keep my feet.

A house stood in the midst of this wilderness, and thither Don Sanchez picked his way, we at his heels still too amazed to speak. Beside the house was a well with a little wall about it, and seating himself on this, Don Sanchez opens his lips for the first time. "My friend, Sidi ben Ahmed, has offered me the use of this place as long as we choose to stay here," says he.

I'll abide by your advice, Kit, which is the wisest I ever heard from your lips." But I was not so sure of this, and, remembering the kind of obedience Moll had used to yield to her father's commands, my mind misgave me. Don Sanchez proposes a very artful way to make Mr. Godwin a party to our knavery, etc. I returned to Hurst Court the following day in the forenoon, and there I found Mr.

Amongst the military stores, were upwards of 1,000 cwt. of gunpowder, 10,000 cannon shot, of which 2,500 were brass, 170,000 musket cartridges, a large quantity of small arms, 128 guns, of which 53 were brass, and the remainder iron; the ship Dolores, afterwards sold at Valparaiso for 20,000 dollars, with public stores, also sold for the like value; and plate, of which General Sanchez had previously stripped the churches of Conception, valued at 16,000 dollars.

He then informs us that we are now upon his domain, and begs us to accept such hospitality as his Castillo will furnish, in return for our entertainment of last night. To this Don Sanchez replies with a thousand thanks that we are anxious to reach Ravellos before nightfall, and that, therefore, we will be going at once if it is all the same to him.

Poet," continues Don Sanchez, "do you consider this steward who defrauds that child of a fortune is more unfeeling than you who, for a sickly qualm of conscience, would let slip this chance of making Molly an honest woman?" "Aye, answer that, Kit," adds Jack, striking his mug on the table.

Now Felez Munoz and the women heard their voices, and were in great fear, for they weened that it was the Infantes and their company, who were returned with intent to kill them; and in their great fear they remained still, and would fain have been far from that place. So Pero Sanchez and they who were with him went about seeking them in vain.

A moment later the gateway swung open and in walked Harris, with 'Tonio by his side and two tribesmen following. The gate was quickly closed in the face of an eager knot of townspeople, but at sight of the assembled party the Sanchez brothers cowered still farther back beneath the shelter, and the sheriff ordered José out into the light. He came, yellow-white, and cringing.

A second embassy came from Borney; and General Don Juan de Morales is going with the title of ambassador, to establish peace at once. They say a Theatin will accompany him, to pave the way for introducing the faith into that kingdom. For accountant of his Majesty, Juan del Pozo y Gatica; for castellan of Cavite, Don Alonso de Aponte; for sargento-mayor of that port, Francisco Sanchez.