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"Oh, I see; and you want me to go out and help you look for it," said Polly, her brow clearing. "Of course," assented the old woman, impatiently. "Land, your intellects ain't as bright as your eyes. My sakes! how many times do you expect me to tell you?

In a place where I constitute society, who is there to banish me? Nevertheless, for your sakes I will effect the marriage secretly; no one shall know anything about it. You will not make the foregoing objections; you will say a double marriage is contrary to morals. Brother, how do you know that it is opposed to morality?

As the hour struck, dead silence reigned in the room, expectant; and Jonathan, who sat next her, fidgeted nervously. "Five minutes' grace, and that's all; if he's not here by then, it'll be up to you to call the meetin' to order," whispered Hepsey. "Sakes!" hissed the terrified Junior Warden, "you didn't say nothin' about that, Hepsey," he protested.

Again he was haunted by the thought that, in spite of all, it may have been pity that had so grievously moved her at their last meeting. Better, then, to wait; better for both their sakes. If he came safely through his ordeal it would be time enough to bear her news of his preservation.

And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake only, that it was imputed to him; but also for our sakes, to whom it will be imputed, if we believe in him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; who was delivered up for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

"Not at all; if you keep your sentiment in its proper place, and don't let it interfere with the somewhat prosaic duties that have of late come into your life." "Gracious goodness' sakes!" said Patty; "that reminds me. What shall I order from the butcher this morning?" "Don't ask me," said Mr. Fairfield. "I object to being implicated in matters so entirely outside my own domain."

I undertook this objectionable work for their sakes, that I might be able to give them the same advantages that other children enjoy. But now that you have spoken, I can see that I am paying for their advantages at the expense of their moral characters, and that they too might follow in my miserable footsteps and, eventually sell themselves for money.

"It's a beautiful old world, though, isn't it?" said Martin. "Isn't it?" I answered, and we looked into each other's eyes and smiled. Then we heard the light shsh of a garden hose, and looking down saw an old man watering the geraniums. "Sakes alive! It's Tommy the Mate," cried Martin, and leaving me on the balcony he went leaping down the stone stairway to greet his old comrade.

What what are you talkin' about, Phin?" "'What are you talkin' about, Phin? God sakes, hear him, will you! All right, I'll tell you what I'm talkin' about. I'm talkin' about Sam Hunniwell's pet, his new bookkeeper up there to the bank. I'm talkin' about that stuck-up, thievin' hypocrite of a Charlie Phillips, that's who I'm talkin' about. I called him a jailbird, didn't I? Well, he is.

As for George, he was so frightened by the sudden toppling of things from the shelf that a tune he had started to whistle died away and he got ready to run out of the store. "Mercy sakes! what is going on in here?" cried Mrs. Clark, entering the store as the boxes ceased falling. "Is anybody hurt?" No one knew for a moment, as Sue had uttered no cry save the first frightened one.