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'And you won't hear it ever again, said I. 'Here's half a rouble for vodka! 'Let me kiss your hand, said the foolish fellow, and he stooped down to me in the darkness.... It was a great relief, I must tell you." "And was that how it all ended?" asked Anton Stepanitch, this time without irony.

I did not understand what was said, but I guessed it referred to the girl because, when her father called her, she advanced submissively, and stood modestly before us. The conversation over, Zinowieff went out, and I followed him after giving the master of the house a rouble.

And, glory be to God, we have done with her! At least, she won't be compromising our establishment." In such a way Sonka the Rudder, avoiding a rouble establishment, was transferred into a half-rouble one, where all kinds of riff-raff made sport of the girls at their own sweet will, whole nights through. There tremendous health and great nervous force were requisite.

Otherwise he was not going to say anything to you about it." "Is that so?" "'By God! Present my respects to your father, he said." "Did he?" "Yes." "Ah! the dog! See what kind of people there are; he is robbed and yet he makes a bow and presents his respects! Ha, ha! It is true it might have been worth no more than a kopeck, but a kopeck is to him what a rouble is to me.

Concerning the tolls and customs of Russia, it was reported to me in Muscovy that the Turks and Armenians pay the tenth penny custom of all the wares they bring into the Emperor's land, and above that they pay for all such goods as they weigh at the Emperor's beam two pence of the rouble, which the buyer or seller must make report of to the master of the beam.

I do not ask you to believe this, but by the God of Heaven, it is my warrant for forcing myself to the side of my dead sister's child. She shall yet have every acre and every rouble that Pierre Troubetskoi would have given to this child whom you hide. My sister died with her empty arms stretched to Heaven, imploring God for her child. And now, what terms will you make with me.

As he went out, Raskolnikov had time to put his hand into his pocket, to snatch up the coppers he had received in exchange for his rouble in the tavern and to lay them unnoticed on the window. Afterwards on the stairs, he changed his mind and would have gone back. "What a stupid thing I've done," he thought to himself, "they have Sonia and I want it myself."

But that was only one aspect of a larger and more momentous business which the financiers of the Entente Powers had to set themselves to tackle. Another of its bearings was the effect of the war upon the rate of exchange of the rouble, which is of moment to all the Allies.

The pain irritated by the words of the coupletist, caressed Foma's soul more and more passionately, and the coupletist went on thundering, intoxicated with the impurity of his accusation: "You think that you are the master of life? You are the low slave of the rouble." Someone in the crowd hiccoughed, and, evidently displeased with himself for this, cursed each time he hiccoughed: "Oh devil."

How does it happen, also, that the same officer and gentleman could live snugly and pleasantly with the rebels, and receive from the ringleader presents of a 'pelisse, a horse, and a half rouble? What is the occasion of so strange a friendship? And upon what can it be founded if not on treason, or at the least be occasioned by criminal and unpardonable baseness?"