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"There shall be no further danger of the poor darling being trapped by those wicked Austrians if we can help it." And there I saw an inspiration, and hailed it with delight, and took immediate advantage of it. "My darling," I said, "we can't travel together by ourselves, and Lady Rollinson, I am afraid, is hardly likely to consent to be my fellow-traveller for some time to come."

Rollinson the younger, lay for several weeks in a critical condition; but, when the bullet had been extracted, he rallied, and was able before long to rise from his bed and walk about the house.

Uncle Billy began to tremble violently; he had not calculated on this; but surely such things would not happen to him! The Speaker's gavel clicked through the uproar and the roll-call proceeded. The clerk reached the name of Rollinson. Uncle Billy swallowed, threw a pale look about him and wrapped his damp hands in the skirts of his shiny old coat, as if to warm them.

"It is briefly this," I said. "It is impossible that the Baroness Bonnar should retain her association with Miss Pleyel and with Lady Rollinson at the same time." "You guarantee that?" asked the baroness. "May I ask what means you propose to adopt?"

Rollinson because the latter told him plainly that the bottle would be his coffin; and a few days later he did quarrel, and very violently too, with the Honorable Richard Pennroyal. This gentleman, it seems, had ridden over to Malmaison and stayed to dinner; and at dessert the conversation got round to the present melancholy condition of local affairs.

I went away half inclined to think myself a brute for having exacted that undertaking from her. Of course, if I had been the man of the world I thought myself, I should never have gone to see her, never have shown my hand, but should have awaited the development of events after having told Lady Rollinson what I knew, and having left her to safeguard her own interests and mine.

"Is this your property, mum?" the officer asked, setting both hands on the bag as I set it on the table. "I believe so," said Violet. "I gave the sum of forty thousand pounds into the charge of my aunt, Lady Rollinson, yesterday morning?" "Then of course," said the policeman, "you give the person in charge?"

"Will ye take a chair?" faltered Uncle Billy. The room rang to the loud answer of the other: "I'd see you in Hell before I'd sit in a chair of yours!" He raised an arm, straight as a rod, to point at the old man. "Rollinson," he said, "I've come here to tell you what I think of you! I've never done that in my life before, because I never thought any man worth it.

I knew that if Miss Rossano had gained any opinion of me from Jack Rollinson it would not be a bad one. Indeed, my only fear was that Jack had probably praised me so far beyond my merits that nobody who had seen the portrait would have the slightest chance of recognizing the original. But when I had once heard my old comrade's name I was able to identify this charming young lady.

"What do I say to that? why, that it's just what I should have expected that's what I say!" replied Dr. Rollinson, who had apparently begun to divine some clew to the grand mystery. But he vouchsafed no explanations as yet.