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When Halley took the sword-hilt from between his teeth, he was still inarticulate, but clung to Halley's arm, feeling it from elbow to wrist. "The Rissala! The dead Rissala! " he gasped, "It is down there!" "No; the Rissala, the very much alive Rissala. It is up here," said Halley, unshipping his watering-bridle and fastening the man's hands.

He had written such a strong representation of the Mahommedan's case to the Government of India that there was little doubt the returning mail would convey an official notification that Mir Jan, formerly naik in the Kumaon Rissala he who once killed a man had been granted a free pardon. The mining experts verified Robert's most sanguine views after a very brief examination of the deposit.

Strap that dog's hands a little tighter, Sahib. An Afghan is like an eel." "But a dead Rissala," said Halley, jerking his captive's wrist. "That is foolish talk, Kurruk Shah. The dead are dead. Hold still, Sag." The Afghan wriggled. "The dead are dead, and for that reason they walk at night. What need to talk? We be men; we have our eyes and ears.

I am a Sikh a trooper of the State. The Lieutenant-Sahib does not understand my talk? Is there any Sahib on the train who will interpret for a trooper of the Gurgaon Rissala going about his business in this devil's devising of a country, where there is no flour, no oil, no spice, no red pepper, and no respect paid to a Sikh? Is there no help?... God be thanked, here is such a Sahib!

As to the city of Eshtellenbosch, I am not a Sahib only a Sikh. I would have quartered one troop only of the Gurgaon Rissala in that city one little troop and I would have schooled that city till its men learned to kiss the shadow of a Government horse upon the ground. They preached the Jehad against us. This is true all the camp knew it. And most of the houses were thatched!

No wonder we thought there were a few extra men in the troop. Kurruk Shah," he whispered to a grizzled native officer that lay within a few feet of him, "hast thou heard anything of a dead Rissala in these hills? "Assuredly," said Kurruk Shah with a grim chuckle.

'If you cry out, I kill you, he said cheerfully. The man was beyond any expression of terror. He lay and quaked, grunting. When Halley took the sword-hilt from between his teeth, he was still inarticulate, but clung to Halley's arm, feeling it from elbow to wrist. 'The Rissala! The dead Rissala! he gasped. 'It is down there! 'No; the Rissala, the very much alive Rissala.

He knows something of my power, but not all. Tonight, at the twelfth hour, you will find a rope hanging from the rock. Tie thereto a vessel of water. Fail not in this. I will not forget your services. I am Anstruther Sahib, of the Belgaum Rissala." The native translated his words into a fierce defiance of Taung S'Ali and his Dyaks. The chief glanced at Jenks and Iris with an ominous smile.

Galloping to the parade-ground he spoke a few curt words to his Adjutant, inspected the rissala, and then rode at its head to the brigade parade-ground where it took up its position on the left flank of the Guns and the Queen's Greys, "sat at ease," and awaited the arrival of the Chief Commissioner at the saluting-base.

Kurruk Shah, he whispered to a grizzled native officer that lay within a few feet of him, 'hast thou heard anything of a dead Rissala in these hills? 'Assuredly, said Kurruk Shah with a grim chuckle. 'Otherwise, why did I, who have served the Queen for seven-and-twenty years, and killed many hill-dogs, shout aloud for quarter when the lightning revealed us to the watch-towers?