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Updated: August 8, 2024

An' it's a God's sure thing when that happens he'll freeze to death in hell. It don't rile me a thing to be told the things he guesses my mother was. Maybe that's a matter of opinion, and, anyway, she's mixin' with a crop of angels who don't figger to have no truck with Scotch machine bosses.

The men coom, you give me to them. They shoot me. Tha's all right; yais!" He replaced his pipe and commenced again to smoke with an expression of weary indifference. "I'm not that sort," said Mills. "I'm open to admit I didn't quite take to you at first. I can't say fairer than that. But tell me what you done to rile the chaps. Did you kill a bloke, or what?"

"Oh, why isn't there a photographer here? And now, Guerchard, you thief, give me back my pocket-book." "Never!" screamed Guerchard, struggling with his men, purple with fury. "Oh, Lord, master! Do be careful! Don't rile him!" cried Bonavent in an agony. "What? Do you want me to smash up the whole lot?" roared Lupin, in a furious, terrible voice. "Do I look as if I were bluffing, you fools?"

For instance they say that when the man at the wheel is told to 'port your helm, it takes just the fraction of a second for it to pass through his mind that that means 'turn your helm to the left. And so they say in our navy after this the officer will callout: 'Turn your helm to the left, Jack! Whew! that must rile every old jack tar, though.

And she sure was tolerable pleased to see him." A tremendous oath burst from Jordan. "You mean she's sweet on this this Perris?" But he added: "Why should that rile me? Maybe he's all right." "He's one of them flashy dressers," said Lew Hervey. "Silk shirts and swell bandannas and he wears shopmade boots and keep 'em all shined up. Besides, it's dead easy for him to talk to a girl.

"Look here, Mister Rile, vill you be pleashed to ssay when we are to hov' something to eat? for by Gott! ve vill kill te dom pigs in the long-boat if the skipper don't mindt so look out!" As ill-luck would have it, Captain Coxon was at the break of the poop, and saw me come out of the forecastle. He waited until he had got me alongside of him, when he asked me what I was doing among the men.

Ormonde never bores people with her brats." "After they are out of infancy," returned the other, dryly. A remark which helped to "rile" Colonel Ormonde, and he said little more till they reached their destination, and both retired to enjoy the luxury of a bath before dressing for dinner.

When we made out it was Rollin, we knew, if he was drunk, he was tol'able well acquainted with the rocks along shore, and 'ud probably put further out when he got through showin' off. We didn't worry about 'em, nor think no more about 'em, in special. The boys didn't want to talk to rile George Olver.

Sandy took this rating with equanimity, and, when the smith's back was turned, he shrugged his shoulders, took a fresh bite of tobacco from the plug which he drew from his hip pocket, winking at the others as he did so. He leisurely followed Macdonald out of the shop, saying in a whisper as he passed the whittler: "I wouldn't rile the old man, if I were you."

"So ye see, Hinnissy, there's nawthin' in th' Constitution to prevint me fr'm bein' a king, an I looked forward to th' time whin I'd turn th' Illinye Cinthral deepo into a rile palace an' rule me subjicks, ye'ersilf among thim, with a high hand. I'd be a just but marciful monarch. No wan that come to th' palace wud go away empty handed. I'd always lave thim a little something.

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