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"Under your lordship's favour," he continued, "I was 'prentice, my lord, to old Mungo Moniplies, the flesher at the wanton West-Port of Edinburgh, which I wish I saw again before I died. And, your honour's noble father having taken Richie Moniplies into his house to wait on your lordship, there was a sort of connexion, your lordship sees."

Sam wouldn't do a mean thing, or a dirty thing, any more than a girl would." "And now he thinks he's in love with this Richie woman," Martha went on but William made his escape. He had to go and hitch up, he said. Before he took Jinny out of her stall he went into the harness-room and hunted about on a shelf until, behind a rusty currycomb and two empty oil-bottles, he found a small mirror.

I was saying, Richie, that if tremendous misfortune withholds from you your legitimate prestige, you must have the substantial element. 'Tis your springboard to vault by, and cushions on the other side if you make a miss and fall. 'Tis the essence if you have not the odour.

Swiftly rectly creaking rectly rectly he was rectly gone. John Eglinton touched the foil. Come, he said. Let us hear what you have to say of Richard and Edmund. You kept them for the last, didn't you? In asking you to remember those two noble kinsmen nuncle Richie and nuncle Edmund, Stephen answered, I feel I am asking too much perhaps. A brother is as easily forgotten as an umbrella. Lapwing.

"You think that she has gone to him?" "I think she has gone to me," she told him, coldly. "What more natural? I am an old friend, and she was angry with you." "Yes; she was, but " "As for my son," said Mrs. Richie, "he is not at home; but I assure you," she stumbled a little over this; "I assure you that if he were he would have no desire to see your wife." Blair was silent.

Richie says she's quite sure she isn't really vain in wanting such things." "I have been at my post, sir, since Elizabeth was three years old," Miss White said with spirit, "and I have frequently told you that she was not vain. I'll go and tell her what you say, immejetly!" But when Cherry-pie went to carry the great news she found Elizabeth's door locked. "What?

'And to show you, Richie, it is a golden age ever when you and I are together, and ever shall be till we lose our manly spirit, and we cling to that, till we lose our princely spirit, which we never will abandon perish rather! I drink to you, and challenge you; and, mind you, old Hock wine has charms. If Burgundy is the emperor of wines, Hock is the empress.

"It's my fault, David," Robert Ferguson said, abashed. "I was telling your mother a a sad story. Mrs. Richie, I didn't realize it would pain you. Your mother is a very kind woman, David; she's been sympathizing with other people's troubles." David, looking at him resentfully, came and stood beside her, with an aggressively protecting manner.

"Humph!" muttered Richie; "there go twa words to that bargain." He even meditated a joke on the means which he was conscious he possessed of baffling Lord Dalgarno's expectations; but there was something of keen and dangerous excitement in the eyes of the young nobleman, which prompted his discretion for once to rule his vit, and he only answered

The open air restored him, and he told me that he had been merely oppressed by the architect of the inferior classes, whose ceiling sat on his head. My nerves, he remarked to me, were very exciteable. 'You should take your wine, Richie, you require it. Your dear mother had a low-toned nervous system. I was silent, and followed him, at once a captive and a keeper.