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Updated: August 16, 2024

It is time he were gane, if he doubles his bode that gate. And, for your life, letna Steenie, or ony of them, hear a word from his mouth; for wha kens what trouble that might bring me into! Ne inducas in tentationem Vade retro, Sathanas! Amen."

'I dare say, Sister Angelica, said the elder Miss Arthuret, that the gentleman is honest; and if he is really a relation of Father Fairford, we can run no risk. 'Jesu Maria! exclaimed the younger. 'Oh, fie, Sister Seraphina! Fie, fie! 'VADE RETRO get thee behind me! 'Well, well; but, sister Sister Angelica let me speak with you in the gallery.

I decided that my faint longing for what Mrs. Ascher would call "higher possibilities" is a temptation, something to be conquered. I finished my meditation with a "Retro Satanas" and returned to my hotel for luncheon, confident that I should come out victor in my struggle.

But each time that I meet with a volume which led me into error, which ever afflicted me with false dates, omissions, lies, and other plagues of the archaeologist, I say to it with bitter joy: "Go! imposter, traitor, false-witness! flee thou far away from me for ever; vade retro! all absurdly covered with gold as thou art! and I pray it may befall thee thanks to thy usurped reputation and thy comely morocco attire to take thy place in the cabinet of some banker-bibliomaniac, whom thou wilt never be able to seduce as thou has seduced me, because he will never read one single line of thee."

"Ah! compere, that sounds much like magic; if you are possessed, tell me so frankly; for, really a man who walks and makes discourses in his sleep in which he attacks the king is not natural. Vade retro, Satanas!" "Then," cried Gorenflot, "you abandon me also. Ah! I could not have believed that of you." Chicot took pity on him. "What did you tell me just now?" said he.

He dismissed politics at breakfast and grew companionable, with the charm of his earlier day. He was willing to accompany her to church too. 'You will hear a long sermon, she warned him. 'Forty minutes. Colonel Halkett smothered a yawn that was both retro and prospective. 'It has been fifty, papa. 'It has been an hour, my dear.

On the contrary, I will serve you, as I have said, on one condition." "Thy condition would imperil my soul," said the abbot, full of wrath and alarm. "Thou seekest in vain to terrify me into compliance. Vade retro, Sathanas. I defy thee and all thy works." Demdike laughed scornfully. "The thunders of the Church do not frighten me," he cried.

Eden's present inclination and feeling as he lay sick and despondent upon the couch. "So that is really your advice?" inquired Mr. Eden, feebly and regretfully. "Yes, your reverence, that is my advice." Mr. Eden rose in a moment like an elastic spring, and whirled round in front of Evans. "And this is my answer RETRO SATANAS!" shouted he, with two eyes flashing like a pair of sabers in the sun.

Of his prolonged dark hour we know little in detail, but we have seen that from the first he resisted the Tempter; Ulysses is his Retro Sathanas! About "the mechanism of genius" in Tennyson Mr Palgrave has told us a little; more appears incidentally in his biography.

What was I about to do? I was about to speak in behalf of Urbain Grandier! But what eloquence could equal that of those unfortunates? What words could better have shown you his innocence? Heaven has taken up arms for him in bringing them to repentance and to devotion; Heaven will finish its work " "Vade retro, Satanas," was heard through a high window in the hall.

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