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And then it seemed to her, in the dark, that she was swimming out through the storm, out and out, and not in the least afraid. She had become larger, and more powerful, somehow, than the rain, or the dark, or the whole ocean; for when she came upon the junks tossing there, she took one in each hand, the third in her mouth, and began to swim for home. Just retrieved 'em, you know.

The House of Commons threw the measure out certainly, and by so doing retrieved the disgrace so far as it could be retrieved of placing among the printed papers of Parliament, such an egregious specimen of legislative folly; but there was a degree of delicacy and forbearance about the debate that took place, which I cannot help thinking as unnecessary and uncalled for, as it is unusual in Parliamentary discussions.

Seven short days ago we found one of these States with loyalty so far retrieved, one State so far void of present offenses, that the ban was withdrawn from her, and she again was placed on an equal footing with the most favored States in the Union. The doors were instantly thrown open to her Senators and Representatives, the whole case was disposed of, and the nation approved the act.

This drive, which was over the same ground, but sweeping backwards towards the Heilbron to Wolvehoek line, ended in the total capture of 147 of the enemy, who were picked out of holes, retrieved from amid the reeds of the river, called down out of trees, or otherwise collected.

After telegraphic communication with Europe, and the fortunate mislaying of a certain message deprecating any prompt action, the Governor General took a popular step in deciding to send every available man to the seat of war, and to render all possible assistance. This was done, and the Dutch forces subsequently retrieved their fortunes, in some measure avenging the death of their comrades.

After a time Hedwig slipped the lilies out of her belt and placed them in a glass of water. "They are thirsty, poor things," she said to Otto. Only and here was a strange thing, if she were really sorry for them one of the stalks fell to the floor, and she did not trouble to pick it up. Nikky retrieved it, and pretended to place it with the others.

And indeed the worst was only that he had been a little less studious in college than he should have been. He had barely passed his examinations in his first year, and now in his second, when he should have retrieved himself, he had gone under altogether.

He shouted to Ainley, who hurried scramblingly over a heap of the obstructing logs, and who, after one look at that which the Indian had retrieved, stood there shaking like wind-stricken corn; his face white and ghastly, his eyes full of agony. The Indian put a brown finger on a symbol painted on the bows, with the letters H. B. C. beneath.

"As for you, you lie still;" and he held his piece pointing still towards his prisoner while he cleverly retrieved the revolver. "Look here," he said, "I had orders not to fire, only if it was wanted particular. Well, I haven't fired, but they will hear that shot and be coming down before you know where you are." "What!" cried the prisoner, starting up in a sitting position.

He dropped his head in rather a shamefaced way, but lifted it with another laugh. "Well, there may be something in that. Not," he gravely retrieved himself, "that we have ever distinguished between our children." "No, neither have we. But one can't help liking the ways of one child better than another; one will rather take the fancy more than the rest."