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He spoke without haste, resonantly, and clearly; but the mother was unable to listen to his speech. Sizov whispered in her ear: "Did you understand what he said? Did you understand? 'People, he says, 'are poor, they are all upset, insensate. Is that Fedor? He says they don't understand anything; they're savages." The feeling of wrong grew, and passed into revolt.

He had never been quite so near her before. His face was not far from hers. Now her breath fanned him. As he bent his head for the bandaging, he could see the soft pulsing of her bosom, and hear the beating of her heart. Her neck was so full and round and soft, and her voice surely he had never heard a voice so sweet and strong, a tone so well poised, so resonantly pleasant.

These words still roll down the tide of American history as resonantly as when they were spoken. As for the House of Burgesses, it was carried away by the strength of this wonderful speech. When the resolutions came to a vote it was seen that Henry had won. They were carried, even the last and most daring of them, by one vote majority.

He only knew they were near, because acorns dropped upon the rail in his hands, and rebounded resonantly. But an owl, blown helplessly down the gale, was not much better off, for all its vaunted nocturnal vision.

The Court, or at least, some of it, enjoyed itself here, in spite of the character of the demonstration. Meanwhile out of sight a great voice shouted jests and catchwords resonantly from time to time, to amuse the people; and the crowd, that was by now packed everywhere against the houses, upon the roofs and even up Chancery Lane, answered his hits with roaring cheers.

What do you think that blessed innocent did? Winced visibly and sharply stopped short in the middle of a word, and stared at me with pendulous jaw, and while everybody looked at him for the next breath said, resonantly 'Jane! did you touch my foot?" The incident is essentially John-esque.

The fair face of the young teacher became clouded for a moment, and she was unmistakably confused. Her wavering, dubious glance fell upon Amarilly sitting tense and upright as she made quick, forceful, and effective stabs with her needle, biting her thread vigorously and resonantly. The stitches were microscopic and even; the strips symmetrically and neatly joined.

He dressed and went down to the street, to find Gieger and another deputy sitting on their horses in front of the hotel with Judge Lindman, drooping from his long vigil, between them. Corrigan grinned scornfully at the Judge. "Clever, eh?" he sneered. He spoke softly, for the dawn was not far away, and he knew that a voice carries resonantly at that hour. "I don't understand you!"

Through this long hour Kirkwood walked without a pause. Another clock, somewhere, clanged resonantly twice. The world was very still....

Just then, leaning over the forecastle railing, I saw Ned Land below me, one hand grasping the martingale, the other brandishing his dreadful harpoon. Barely twenty feet separated him from the motionless animal. All at once his arm shot forward and the harpoon was launched. I heard the weapon collide resonantly, as if it had hit some hard substance.