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There were thousands of us, you see.... Some of the insane women were badly treated all of the younger ones.... But she and I were together.... And I had my pistol in reserve for the crisis! always in reserve always ready for her." Recklow nodded. McKay went on: "We fought the Staubbach in shifts.... And all through those months of autumn and winter there was no chance for us to get away.

Hour after hour that afternoon Recklow sat in his quiet little house in Delle poring over the duplicate papers. About five o'clock he called up Toul by telephone and got the proper department. "Yes," came the answer, "Captain Herts went to you this morning on a confidential matter.... No, we don't know when he will return to Toul."

The Mulhausen paper had it that the Swiss caught you violating the frontier, which meant to Recklow that the Boche had done you in." "I see," nodded McKay. "So he picked me." "And you say you guided in Maine?" "Yes, when I was younger. After I was on my own I kept store at South Carry, Maine, and ran the guides there." "I noticed all the ear-marks," nodded McKay.

As he spoke he came toward them; and they rose from their knees among the shadows, pistols drawn. "There's been some dirty business," said Recklow briefly. "Three enemy spies went over the Swiss wire about an hour after you left Delle. There are half a dozen Boches on the peak by the Crucifix. And that's why I'm here, if you want to know." There was a silence.

Men, women, even children, chained, guarded, have done the physical work.... The Pyramids were builded so, they say.... And in this manner is being finished that colossal engineering work which is never spoken of among the Huns except when necessary, and which is known among them as The Great Secret.... Recklow, it was conceived as a vast engineering project forty-eight years ago in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian war.

Also it is possible that the bellowing bluster of the guns at Metz may have allayed that fear in high places; and that terror of the Hun was already becoming less deathly among the cantons of a race which had trembled under Boche blackmail for a hundred years. However, for whatever reason it might have been, no Swiss patrols bothered the blue devils and Mr. Recklow.

I was huntin' along the fence when I come on them, thick as thieves. She's crossed us; she's hollered! Oh, Cripes, Harry, Helsa has went an' squealed!" "Yes, Helsa I wouldn't 'a' believed it! But I seen 'em. I seen 'em whispering. I seen her take his hand an' lead him up through the trees. She's squealed on us! She's bringing Recklow " "Recklow! Are you sure?" "I got closte to 'em.

"I think that's all," said the Intelligence Officer. "You know my name Captain Herts. In case you wish to communicate just wire my department at Toul. They'll forward anything if I'm away on duty." He saluted: Recklow followed him to the door, saw him mount his motor-cycle a battered American machine stood there watching until he was out of sight.

But the English touring-car which brought them still remained in the Inn garage. Recklow spent hours examining it. Also the arrival and the departure of these three people was telephoned to Toul by Recklow, but Captain Herts still remained absent from Toul on duty and his department knew nothing about the details of the highly specialised and confidential business of Captain Herts.

Recklow, remained closeted with him until verification of their credentials in duplicate had been accomplished, then they took their departure and, that evening, they put up at the Inn. But by the next morning they had disappeared, presumably over the Swiss wire that being their destination as revealed in their papers.