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"It was February fourteenth, and the postman's rat-a-tat Made two hearts in Slocum Pocum beat a feverish pit-pat Thomas and Thomasina each in turn rushed doorwards and Snatched their respective missives from the post's extended hand; And the postman, wicked rascal, slowly winked the other eye, And said: 'Seems to me the old folks is a gettin' pretty spry. "They tore the letters open.

In this praiseworthy effort, to Todd's unbounded astonishment, Pawson had one night developed a plan in which the greatly feared and much-despised Gadgem was to hold first place. Indeed on the very morning succeeding the receipt of Pawson's letter and at an hour when St. George would be absent at the club, there had come a brisk rat-a-tat on the front door and Gadgem had sidled in.

For a minute neither spoke. Sophie lay back in her chair, eyes half closed, fingers beating a slow rat-a-tat on the chair-arm. "Have you seen Wes Thompson lately?" Carr inquired at last. "I saw him this afternoon," Sophie replied. "Did he tell you he was going overseas?" "No." Sophie's interest seemed languid, judged by her tone. "You saw him this afternoon, eh?" Carr drawled. "That's queer."

And all the time the umberella was doing rat-a-tat tats on the gate, while a voice much too loud for the potman's started calling out: "Watch-man ahoy!" "They're calling you, Bill," ses the skipper. "I ain't deaf," I ses, very cold. "Well, I wish I was," ses the skipper. "It's fair making my ear ache. Why the blazes don't you do your dooty, and open the gate?"

I was collecting my books, I said, to carry them into the other room, where there was a little shelf with a curtain in front on purpose for them, as we only kept our nicest books in the drawing-room, when this rat-a-tat knock came to the door. I was very surprised.

And all the time the umberella was doing rat-a-tat tats on the gate, while a voice much too loud for the potman's started calling out: "Watch-man ahoy!" "They're calling you, Bill," ses the skipper. "I ain't deaf," I ses, very cold. "Well, I wish I was," ses the skipper. "It's fair making my ear ache. Why the blazes don't you do your dooty, and open the gate?"

Around this great chimney the wooden house clusters itself, in a whole community of gable-ends, each ascending into its own karate peak; the second story, with its lattice-windows, projecting over the first; and the door, which is perhaps arched, provided on the outside with an iron hammer, wherewith the visitor's hand may give a thundering rat-a-tat.

He was not unaccustomed to late visitors, as he was known to live at his chambers, and to work after office-hours; but the knocking of to-night was not the loud rollicking rat-a-tat of his jolly-good-fellow friends or clients.

"What's that ahead, then?" The sharp bark of rifles, the rat-a-tat of machine guns, the boom of bursting grenades, and the yells, groans, screams and shouts of the hand-to-hand conflict came through the curtaining smoke in a mad jumble of savage sound. "Damned if I know! We'd better find out!" They began moving their now rallied men back into it.

But she never stopped nor stayed until she reached home; and there, flinging in through the door and slamming to the bolt behind her, she made one spring for the bed, and slid down in it, cowering over the small stone image. Rat-a-tat! tat! someone knocked on the door so that the cottage shook. "Knock away!" said Lovey. "Whoever thee be, thee 'rt not my cheeld." Rat-a-tat! tat!